Root Chakra Meditation

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Root Chakra Meditation
Post # 1

Greetings everyone

This month I have dedicated to opening my Root chakra. With that said, it has been going pretty well. But last night I noticed something as I began my meditation.

On both of my feet, near my pinky toe and the ring toe? I will call them that. It felt like a sort of vibration under the skin. They did not vibrate according to my pulse, nor did it feel like my feet were asleep. It was just a soft vibrating. And they left foot would do it and then the right foot did it, back and forth.

I figured I might have been sitting wrong or something like that and decided to go to sleep, but every time I woke up it was there. I found that quite odd as it had never happened before as I meditated. I actually haven't felt anything like that at all except when I have done energy manipulation exercises.

It might be just my head, or I may need to go to the doctor. Whichever it is, I'd like to know your thoughts on this.

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Re: Root Chakra Meditation
Post # 2
If you know anything about chakras and acupuncture two things stand out. 1. You actually have chakra points all over your body not just the main seven. Also the root chakra is directly related to the earth and your feet are always connected to said element. pay attention to these sorts of things when doing chakra meditation. Might be nothing but it may also be warning signs of other things like foot problems ect.
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Re: Root Chakra Meditation
Post # 3
If you know anything about chakras and acupuncture two things stand out. 1. You actually have chakra points all over your body not just the main seven. Also the root chakra is directly related to the earth and your feet are always connected to said element. pay attention to these sorts of things when doing chakra meditation. Might be nothing but it may also be warning signs of other things like foot problems ect.
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Re: Root Chakra Meditation
Post # 4

Thank you for your reply and advice. I will pay more attention now on. But if it continues I will see a doctor, just to be on the safe side. I do know that the root chakra is directly related to the earth and that my feet are always touching it, which is why I was asking if it could be due to my root chakra. Even so, like I said, if it continues I will see a doctor just to make sure it's not serious.

Thank you for reading my post.

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