My friend needs help

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My friend needs help
Post # 1
I have a friend that is surrounded by a very dark forse. It's so bad that when he walks into the room you can see it all around him. What ever area he is in apears to be darker than the rest of the room. I feel like he is around someone that means to harm him while pretending to be a friend. This darkness has a very strong hold on him.What spell can I do to help him? I know that he will not be able to let me do it with him here, he will leave.I need something that I can do without him being here. Help please his wife and daughter are suffering because of it
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Re: My friend needs help
Post # 2
Can you describe exactly what you are seeing and feeling?
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Re: My friend needs help
Post # 3

If oyu're looking to use a spell to help your friend, I'd suggest using a protection spell to protect him from any evil entities, along with a binding spell to bind any negative energies that are bothering him.

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Re: My friend needs help
By: / Novice
Post # 4
If he won't let you do it, then you don't.
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