Covens for Adults?

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Covens for Adults?
Post # 1
Hi, I'm new on this site, but not new to magic. I've been a psychic medium for most of my life, and I'm interested in meeting others who have similar interests and goals. I've been a reluctant Christian most of my life (not reluctant to the Heavens, just really irritated with intolerable Christians, if you know what I mean!) and have been creating my own spells and using energy for healing and other "white" purposes for years. I'm in my mid-thirties, and while I enjoy information and knowledge shared by everyone of ANY age, it would be nice to talk with members who are closer to my age, have kids, are married, etc. I'm interested in learning even more about healing with light, and helping others who have clear negativity issues be separated from them. I wonder about the Rule of Three sometimes, particularly when doing spellwork for others. Nice to meet you all!
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Re: Covens for Adults?
Post # 2
Theirs plenty of adults here so ill think you'll find what you're looking for
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Re: Covens for Adults?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Covens from Introduce Yourself.
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