Symbols and energy

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Symbols and energy
Post # 1
Hello, this was a piece of information I wrote when I was younger.

When we do a spell we have certain images, words etc. But many people do not understand why? The reason is put simple is the PRACTITIONERS MOOD,
Say you see a love heart your mind thinks of love, and when you use this FEELING correctly the energy of love comes.

Eg. In a spell I drew an image of a bubble, normally this would be a simple bubble but I Harvested the energy so that it was a protection bubble.

WORDS, when we say words in spells we have to combine focus and visualization, if I say certain words and focus on what I want and realize the word I'm saying I can effectively complete that passage to fully work with the energy.

Eg. "by The TRINITY I ask thee, to guide me when the times are tough"

Many people think you can just say these words and it will happen... NO!.... You have to believe,focus,visualize etc.


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