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Post # 1
Does anyone see similarities between Taoism and Druidry? especially the newer aged and organic Taoism. It's just something I'm engulfing myself into study with. I have always been interested in druidry as well. I just want some intelligent discussions! My brain is going dead over here with all of the stupidity that I'm surrounded by.
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Re: Taoism.
Post # 2
Well from what I know about the Tao yes their are some similarites between the two. Especially when it comes to peace and nature. I think it nice that many martial arts traditions also have a reverance for nature and the peace that nature can provide.
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Re: Taoism.
Post # 3
I agree Dillon. I'm really glad that you saw the two differences and likes. (:
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Re: Taoism.
Post # 4
What all do you know about the Tao?
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Re: Taoism.
Post # 5
I study martial arts so I have a little bit of knowledge of it but nothing major yet. Care to enlighten us?
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Re: Taoism.
Post # 6
Hi Rokoh,

I have just joined this forum so I can answer your question. I am a practising Druid and also run a Taoist group...and yes there are lots of similarities. I'll give you some examples below but please feel free to ask any questions.

Taoism Vs Druidry

> Taoism talks of Chi energy in the body while Druidry speaks of Nwyfre (old Welsh) but mean the same thing.
> There is much about the flow of the Creative in Taoism and I-Ching while in Druidry it is called Awen (Welsh for breath or flow).
> There are cauldrons in both religions which refer to the process of alchemy - turning the body into an immortal.

> Both practices believe in geomancy or energy lines along the earth and heavens which affect the body.

> Both practices believe in the Natural Way and simple living of non-interference with the Creative flow entering their life.

If we look at the less well known elements of Taoism we see there are exorcisms, birth and marriage rites, rituals, staffs, cloaks etc

I began practising Tai Chi in 1991/2 and the founder of that style used to say that in Chinese tradition the deep understanding of health, internal arts and religious practice came from the "Sons of Reflected Light". I wonder if these could have been Druids - see the Tarim Mummies (if you Google them) who were European bronze age people preserved in the dry desert near Mongolia. They war tartan and pointed hats and had ginger and blonde hair. So you never know. We probably took as much back as we gave them.

In roman writings it was said that the Druid teachings had travelled as far as Persia.

Hope this has helped.

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Re: Taoism.
Post # 7
Here is a link to the Independent article 2006 regarding this discovery.

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