Online Covens

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Online Covens
Post # 1
Merry Meet!
I have a quick question regarding the Covens here on this page, keep in mind I am fairly new to this community. What is the difference between the covens here and ones you meet with in person? I have personally been apart of a local coven which ended very poorly and I was wishing that this would be a better alternative. What are your personal opinions on the topic? Thank you very much.
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Re: Online Covens
Post # 2

Here it's a large community of people with many different covens that end up teaching different things, in different ways.

The difference is here you might not know others personally. Here there are ground rules for all members and there are moderators who help keep the site " clean ".

So one of the differences is, I'd say, control. Here if someone is breaking the site's rules they will most likely have a punishment.

Then again, all covens work differently. Some prefer covens in real life, others on-line.

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