what is shadow magic?

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what is shadow magic?
Post # 1
lately, a good amount of people have been asking me what is shadow, so here's the answer for anyone who wants to know what it is. Shadow magic is a rare type of magic that is not evil or good, it more dark so to speak then grey magic, but lighter then dark magic, it is a rare type of magic that can only be gained by your own blood from some of the old families that have it, or by some kind of ritual that has to be done. Shadow magic is comes from old magic from the past with other kinds of ancient magics, any questions, just mail or comment on it
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Re: what is shadow magic?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
This is rather vague, and generally dances around without actually explaining anything rooted within a magical concept.

Shadow magic is not so old, and is generally a modern spin on New Age concepts that are born, largely, out of a deeper understanding of the older foundations. Frequently involves reaching for the "dark" aspects of the self and utilizing that source to manifest influence and change, magically - for good or ill. This in my opinion only explores half of the whole though, as the entirety of the self allows one to use all of one's identity and resources to direct Will into the manifestation one seeks.
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Re: what is shadow magic?
Post # 3
Shadow magic may seem new, it is actually old, just lost and refound , renamed and so forth, how I know is hard to believe, but I will tell if you mail me
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