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No Subject
Post # 1
Ok so this is a little technique i picked up while studying about FULL moon rituals, although it might not be considered rituals, i couldn't find the word for it. Lol. Enjoy and comment if you feel like doing so. i love reading responses. :)

Drawing energy for the moon can be a great way to aid healing and spiritual growth. In this article I will teach you a method for gathering moon energy.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Go outside on the night of the full moon. It is best if you have recently bathed, and are dressed in clean, comfortable clothing.
Sit or stand outside. If possible, it is good to have your feet bare and on the ground during this exercise.
Relax yourself. Look at the moon. Try to feel the cool glow of the moon washing over your skin.
Breathe in, and imagine that you are drawing in the light and energy of the moon itself. As you inhale, feel the energy swirling in your head, then traveling in your veins through your whole body.
When you exhale, imagine the moon energy pushing negative energy, stress and sickness out through your feet, where it is returned to the Earth.
Keep breathing and feeling the energy of the moon moving through your body. If you have stress or illness, you may choose to imagine the moonlight and energy collecting in your heart, or the afflicted area, healing it and pushing out the bad feelings.
While the night of the full moon is best, the days just before and just after can also be used in the same way.
If you have a piece of magickal jewelry or a talisman, you can wear it while you draw moon energy, and allow the item to store some of the energy for later use

Read more: How to Draw Moon Energy |
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Re: No Subject
Post # 2
Why is it best on the days around the full moon?

I mean, the moon is still there the other days of the lunar month. So why not pull on its energies every night of the month? ;)
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Re: No Subject
Post # 3
It Is more Affective when it is full because then you can Draw as much energy as the moon can provide you. As to when its Waxing when it isn't full and doesn't have as much energy to provide as does the full moon.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 4
Why does the amount of light from the sun reflecting on the moon have a determining factor of how much energy it gives off?
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Re: No Subject
Post # 5
Thats not what i meant. Its the Moons phase that makes the difference. When it is full it gives off so much energy that its abel to reach earth and thus we are abel to collect some of her energy
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Re: No Subject
Post # 6
Why does the phase effect it? Moon phases are caused by light from the sun reflecting off the moon, therefore why would the light effect as much as people claim?
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Re: No Subject
Post # 7
The phase of the moon is determined byt its position around our planet. Physically, these positions effect at least our water tides. On the subtle planes of existence, these positions effect the energy tides within the planet. It is the etheric side of the moon that helps us determine what type of Magick is good for a specfic time.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 8
Forgive my typos as I am using my cell phone at the moment.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 9
That there is a good answer. ;)
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Re: No Subject
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10
The reason the moon has an effect on the tides and other things containing water is due to the moons gravity and how far it is from earth as it orbits in an elliptical path. Magically the moon has different phases that correspond with the amount of light that is reflecting off of it. A full moon having the most amount of light and the one phase that can aid any spell. A waxing moon is best for bring things to fruition and a waning moon is best for banishing. Curses are best throw on the dark of the moon before it begins to wax again on the new. The reasons for the phases helping with magic is due to the power recognized by the practitioner. There is power in light. The different types of light have corresponding influences.
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