Sabbat Gatherings?

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Sabbat Gatherings?
Post # 1
hello everyone!
i am new to SOM and Witchcraft and i was wondering where do witches and wiccans normally meet on the Sabbats? Also is there anyone who is meeting up on Dec, 21 (Yule) and if so can you please message me!
Blessed be
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Re: Sabbat Gatherings?
Post # 2
Covens generally have an area or location that they meet at for rituals, Sabbats, etc. However, only those within the coven know where the location/date/time of the gathering will be. Thus, I don't think that you would be allowed to participate in the rituals or celebrations unless you or someone close to you was an actual member of the coven.

If you are interested in a coven in your location, I would suggest going to and looking for ones in your area and then contacting the leaders about joining.
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