Random questions!

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Random questions!
Post # 1
Hi! My name is Rose and I am new to the whole magic thing. An element has already chosen me (wind if you want to know) and me and my friend Horsefire have been practicing together. So basically I was wondering if someone would tell me if the 'Become a witch spell' works because I would like to cast it ASAP. Please reply someone who knows this stuff like the back of your hand because I really want to improve in the magical arts.
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Re: Random questions!
By: / Novice
Post # 2
A witch is someone who practices witch craft. no spell needed. BB
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Re: Random questions!
Post # 3
Nope, na-ah, no way in 12 circles of hell(and yes I know hell only has 9).
As already mentioned becoming a witch means that you are practitioner, and no spell in the universe can make you one. There are no shortcuts in this.
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Re: Random questions!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

A small correction here, wind is not an Element; although, Air is one.

Nor would it be accurate to say that an Element has "chosen" you or that you have one Element. We are, or should be, aligned with all of the Elements. While we may feel more comfortable with one or two Elements, the goal is to bring all of the Elements into balance so that you can work with any of them.

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Re: Random questions!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Introduce Yourself.
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Re: Random questions!
Post # 6
Wind is just a part of air. And I know I'm going to be repeating stuff. Anyways... It's good that you want to improve. And you may have an air affinity. No, I don't mean affinity like in the House of Night novels, I mean it's just an element you feel close to or comfortable with or maybe it is connected to you in a way more felt than other elements. Also, there are rituals and such to dedicate or initiate people into the magickal arts, but that does not make you a witch. You are a witch if you practice magick. And if I keep going, I will just be repeating stuff everyone else has already said. I suggest you study a lot about different magicks and spiritual paths that utilize magick. Also, meditation isn't a bad idea. I don't think it's required for magick or a spiritual path, but it is a really good idea for anyone. Talking to people who are witches or know witches and studying and things like that is something you should do if you'd like to practice magick. And be careful. Blessed be~
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