Basics on Elements

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Basics on Elements
Post # 1
This is just some of the basics. I've had to pull all my info together to compile just the basics, I hope to make a longer post on this at a later date.

Direction: North
Color: Brown, Black, Green
Time of day: Midnight
Season: Winter
Animals: Wolf, Bear, Deer
Nature: Mountain, Trees, Earth, Salt
Sacred tool: Pentacle
Properties: grounding, centering, focusing, endings, material world

Direction: East
color: Yellow, blue (some traditions use blue or gray here)
Time of day: Dawn
Season: Spring
Animals: Hawks, Eagles, Song Birds (pretty much anything that can take flight it is Air after all)
Nature: wind, sky, tornadoes, hurricanes
Sacred tools: Athame (in some traditions) Wand (In other traditions)
Properties: knowledge, intellect, psychic powers, speech, ideas

Direction: South
color: Red
Time of day: Noon
Season: Summer
Animals: Big cats (tiger, panther etc, lizards, snakes
Nature: Flames, volcanoes
Sacred tools: wand or athame
Properties: Passion, Courage, Energy, Momentum, Movement

Direction: West
color: Blue, Gray
Time of day: sunset
Season: autumn
Animals: dolphins, fish, other sea creatures and creatures of water
Nature: ocean, lakes, river, rain
Sacred tools: Chalice, Cauldron
Properties: Emotions, rebirth, intuition, psychic abilities
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