Herbs For Emotional Pain?

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Herbs For Emotional Pain?
Post # 1
Hello. I'm not too much of an expertise on Herbalism, but for someone who is what would be some good herbs to help fight depression, anger, and frustration? I would greatly appreciate the help. Many problems have taken a toll on me and I hope to help heal myself through natural remedy. Blessed Be! ~SullenMoon
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Re: Herbs For Emotional Pain?
Post # 2
Rose, Lavender, Rosemary,Sandalwood,Clary Sage,Bergamot oils. St Johns Wort tablets are great for mild depression and anxiety.

Try meditating calming and centering yourself, plenty of exercise such as taking on a new sport.get out more with friends and have fun.Try changing your eating habits to a good healthy balanced diet. seek professional help.
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Re: Herbs For Emotional Pain?
Post # 3
Thank you for the help! Blessed Be!
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Re: Herbs For Emotional Pain?
Post # 4
Fish, water, popcorn, are very good for depression.
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Re: Herbs For Emotional Pain?
Post # 5
St Johns Wart (herb powdered)
Tuberose (essential oil)
Patchouli(essential oil)
Lavender (essential oil)
Wintergreen (essential oil)
Yarrow (powdered herb)

Mix them all up together and keep in a pot nearby an area of your home that you use a lot.

Also, make sure you get a lot of Omega 3. As said earlier, fish is good for depression. In addition, I think Zebrah made a post on depression a while back. Type in 'depression' in the forums search bar and you should get a few results.
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Re: Herbs For Emotional Pain?
Post # 6
Thank you all!
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Re: Herbs For Emotional Pain?
Post # 7
I have had success with rosemary, sandalwood, and lavender.
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Re: Herbs For Emotional Pain?
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Marijuana is good ;) but I'm not recommending it.

I would try meditating and try going to places you feel safe... Or go on a picking trip (it's what I call a herb hunt), it always relaxes me as without a steady head you'll never find any herbs that are harder to find or may puck up a poisonus similar looking plant... I've done that a year or do back when I first started herbalism
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Re: Herbs For Emotional Pain?
By: / Novice
Post # 9
Magickaly or medicinally?

Meddicianlly St. John's wort, sold in tablets form, usually containing Hypericine, is great for serotonin dissbalance ralted neurotic disorders.
Rosemary infusion causes Cereblal vasodilatation so is good against confusion, ADD, and to ease the hazardous effect of strong mental work and stress. It is however strongly contraindicated in cases of intra-cerebral hemorage or even possible indication of the same.
Various clinical studies had shown how Menthol from common Mint has works as "mental tonic" strenghtening the troubled mind. Incidentally, or not same purpose ( among other ) shares in magick
Lavender's scent, as well as Citral scents and Marjoram have aromaterapeutically calming effect.

Magickally, Balm of Gillead is great comforter particularly those whos spirit s are down. Black cohosh strenghtens and protects the weak, Mint empowers the mind and brings in some clarity, Solomon's Seal gives wisdom and discrement and so on

It might be worth investing in bottle of "Balsamo tranquilo oil" or "Clarity oil" etc

May You be healed, Blessings
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Re: Herbs For Emotional Pain?
Post # 10
I have found help through the use of valerian root and chamomile, both taken around bedtime. Chamomile helps me a lot when added to a bath. I also highly recommend listening to this song when your working on any emotional healing or stress relief.

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