The Complete Basics Guide

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The Complete Basics Guide
Post # 1


I would like to personally welcome you to the path of paganism and the occult. I sincerely hope this guide will get you off to a successful start on your new journey, and will provide you with a complete understanding with what you need to know to get started in your path. But before we start, please keep in mind that there is a near infinite amount of knowledge available to you for your studies, and although I strive to provide you with all the knowledge I can, please refer to other sources before accepting any one person's ideas as fact. The Internet or your local library will be extraordinarily valuable in this regard. Try to rely on a variety of books and people when forming the basis of your knowledge, instead of a single book/person in particular.

This guide is designed to be an in depth introduction to what are commonly referred to as the basics. Each spiritual path will have its own set of basics and not everyone will agree with the basics I have chosen to write about in this guide. I view the basics as the topics that most people would agree to be the fundamental building blocks of many different practices. Please understand that the basics are not limited to what I write about in this guide, and this guide is my own personal interpretation of the basics to magick. Everything in this guide is done to represent, to the best of my ability, a general viewpoint on paganism and the occult. As a note, I do not consider spell work to be a basic to magick, but it has been included to benefit the majority of people who view this guide.

It is highly recommended to follow this guide in order if you dont already full know about each section. Each following section will build upon concepts touched upon in the previous section, and to fully understand how to complete some of the more complicated sections at the end, you will need to understand the founding sections in the beginning.

At the end of each section there is a suggested assignment. These are designed to give you a quick experience with each of the basics, and are something that I would recommend you complete as you read through this article. They are optional though, so feel free to disregard or adjust them to suit your needs. I also advise that after practicing each basic, you write a short description of how it felt, what happened, what worked and didnt work for you, etc. and keep it for your journal, Book of Shadows, or Grimoire.

This guide is under full copy write to Sinix O. All information used within this article was provided solely from Sinix and may not be reproduced in any way without proper consent. Please message Sinix if you would like to quote or feature any part of this article.

Table of Contents

  1. General Knowledge - 101
  2. Magick - 102
  3. Meditation - 103
  4. Visualization - 104
  5. Grounding & Centering - 105
  6. Energy Manipulation - 106
  7. Shielding - 107
  8. Circle Casting - 108
  9. Spell Work - 109
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Re: The Complete Basics Guide
Post # 2

General Knowledge - 101

This section contains general concepts that are important to know to understand the essential ideas of magick, paganism, and the occult. It also includes various concepts, which I felt were necessary to touch upon.

Witchcraft & Religion

First off, Witchcraft is not a religion; it is a practice. Since witchcraft is not a religion, anyone can be a witch, no matter his or her religious affiliation. Although some religions can be less accepting of witchcraft than others, there are witches in every religious faith. For example, there are many Christian Witches as well as Christian Wiccans, who have successfully integrated Christianity with other beliefs. It is ignorant to say that one could not be a Christian Wiccan or a Christian Witch, simply because Christianity has been known to be less accepting of other paths.

Wiccans & Witches

It is frequent to see people using the terms Wiccan and witch interchangeably, but they are not interchangeable. The term witch is entirely different from the term Wiccan. A witch is someone who studies and/or practices magick, while a Wiccan is someone who follows the religion of Wicca, a religion that was introduced to the public by Gerald Gardner in 1954. (So its not that ancient either, its only 60 years old.) Wicca is a religion; witchcraft is a practice. To be fair, a Wiccan can also study/practice magick, and can thus also call themselves a witch. However, if a witch does not practice/study Wicca, they cannot be called a Wiccan. Not all Wiccans study magick, and not all witches practice Wicca.

Wiccans & Pagans

In addition to Wicca, there is also the term Paganism. A Pagan is anyone who does not believe in the major world religions, such as Christianity, Islam, or Judaism. All Wiccans are Pagans, but not all Pagans are Wiccans. Witches, who follow one of the major religions would not be considered Pagans. Paganism is not a recognized religion, unlike Wicca, at least in the United States.

Book of Shadows & Grimoires

A Book of Shadows, also referred to as a BoS, is a notebook or journal used to record a Wiccans spells, rituals, notes, experiences, and other information regarding their practices. The first Book of Shadows is said to of originated from Gerald Gardner, who used this book with his Bricket Wood Coven. Although it has become popular for most witches to have their own Book of Shadows in recent years, the Book of Shadows was originally strictly for Wiccans. Typically a BoS is private and destroyed upon the owners death, however it can also be shared or passed down from generation to generation if desired.

A Grimoire, on the other hand, is a sacred text that is not specific to a particular religion and can be used in accordance with teaching, making it a more public document than a Book of Shadows. Grimoires usually contain the same writings as a Book of Shadows, but exclude the Wiccan overtone. The origins of Grimoires have been traced back to early Mesopotamia, dating back to 400-500 BC. Unlike a Book of Shadows, Grimoires truly have ancient origins, and were used by most witches prior to the 1950s.

Creating A Grimoire

Since a Grimoire is such a treasured and sacred object, a lot of thought should go into how you would like to create it. Although you are free to design your Grimoire however you desire, keep in mind the following:

WHAT MEDIUM WILL YOU BE USING? You can choose to handwrite your Grimoire, possibly in a journal, print it out and keep a binder, create a bound book, or even just keep an electronic copy. When first starting out I suggest keeping an electronic copy, as it is the easiest to change and transfer should you change you mind about something. It also ensures the safety of your Grimoire, as you can keep backups on multiple flash drives or online (Google Drive).

HOW WILL YOU DESIGN IT? There are many things you can do to customize and design your Grimoire. You could use tea/coffee to stain the pages, place flower petals between the pages, paint the cover, use special paper, etc. Use your imagination!

What To Include In A Grimoire

I am often asked what a Grimoire should include, and truthfully there is no correct answer. A Grimoire is your personal item, and you can put whatever you want in it. I can never give you a specific number of pages to include, but I can offer some suggestions:

ABOUT YOU: Personally I like having an About Me section as it provides a space to reflect upon who I am, and put my life and personality into words. It makes my Grimoire more personal to me, and its nice to be able to look back and see what you had written about yourself a few years back.

A DREAM JOURNAL: Dreams are very powerful, and can offer insight into our daily lives or struggles we are currently facing. It might be beneficial to record your dreams every night and see if you can distinguish certain patterns.

RECORD OF YOUR MAGICAL EXPERIENCES: One day, you will look through your Grimoire and it is a great feeling to be able to look through what you did in years prior. Write about the rituals you did, how they felt, and any special experiences you had.

FAVORITE SPELLS & RITUALS: There is just something amazing about being able to hold your Grimoire out in front of you as you do a spell or ritual. It gets you into that special mindset for magick and fills you with this great energy. It also provides a great reference for when you need a certain spell/ritual.

RECORD OF KNOWLEDGE GAINED: As you follow your path it's helpful to record the knowledge you have gained throughout the years. It serves as a reference in case you ever forget anything, and can be a great resource in helping others.


A coven is a group of witches or Wiccans, typically consisting of 13 or more members, who generally share the similar interests or beliefs. Most covens are for adults only, as it can be against the law to indoctrinate those not of the legal age. It may also be done for maturity reasons, as some covens will preform group sexual acts, as well as hold clothing-optional events. However, there may be exceptions if the parents give consent, or it is a teen based coven. Keep in mind that covens are not for everyone. Many people choose to practice in solitary, which is completely acceptable.

Coven Structure

Generally, covens will be lead by a High Priest, High Priestess, both, or High Council. The role of the High Priest and High Priestess are to be conduits for the divine, as it is their job to invoke the gods during group rituals, as well as facilitate the learning process of each coven member. The High Council is typically used when the coven either does not have a need for a Priest and Priestess, or the coven leadership is shared among a group of people. Some covens will also use a degree system to differentiate between various levels of experience within the coven. Be aware that every coven does things differently, especially in terms of structure.

Online Covens

With the Internet being a fantastic medium for communication, given its widespread accessibility, many online covens have been created in rather recent years. Although the coven members might never meet face to face, an online coven can be just as real and legitimate as a physical coven. A quick search on Google will often turn up a number of results for online covens one could join. These covens may also not have certain age restrictions, making them preferable for younger practitioners.

Correspondences & Associations

This is a very useful subject to be aware of, which can be applied to most, if not all, paths. Some examples of correspondences are the moon phases, colors, days of the week, planetary hours, herbs, angels, elements, directions, shapes, smells, astrological signs, crystals, and symbols. Each of these aforementioned examples each has a unique association with a particular energy or metaphysical property, which can be harnessed for magical work to increase the power and effectiveness of various magical workings.. For instance, certain herbs are believed to have certain attributes, which promote intuition, also known as your sixth sense. By using these herbs in a spell, working, sachet, or other medium, one could increase their intuitive abilities.

Since each correspondence topic is an article in and of itself, specific information will not be included in this guide. Rather, this section is to make you aware of their existence so that you may research them on your own. (Google is a great source, as well as the Witchipedia, just double check with multiple sources!!) When researching, please keep in mind that the associations listed are not definitive. Different practitioners may associate certain items with different correspondences, simply because it feels right for them. Correspondence charts are good guides, but you should always value your own intuition over what the chart says. For instance, if a chart associated the color red with life, but you feel it represents life, then use red to represent life. As with most magick, do what feels right for you.

The Elements

"What are the elements" you might ask. Well there are a few answers to this question depending upon whom you ask. If you ask a scientist what the elements are they would respond with the list of known elements that make up everything in the universe from the periodic table. If you ask someone from the eastern world they might respond "metal, water, earth, fire, and wood." And if you ask someone from the western world they might say "earth, wind, water, and fire." Some people might also add "spirit or Akasha" to the list of elements. As if that wasn't confusing enough, some people might also add "ice, darkness, light, vortex, lightning, smoke, etc." to this already long list. Many cultures have different ideas on what the elements are, but for the purpose of this guide we will focus on the western elements of fire, water, earth, wind, and spirit.


One of the easiest ways to spot a beginner is to look for those trying to "find their element" or saying "my element is --." There is a very simple answer to the question of "what element am I?" You are all of them. Water and earth build you body, they give you form. Fire provides the passion to life and the spark of creativity. Air bestows wisdom and intellect. Spirit is what gives you your soul. This is not to say you can't feel an affinity or stronger connection for one or more elements, but it does not mean you are solely one element. In addition, darkness, light, ice, smoke, vortex, etc. are not elements (at least traditionally). These are simply mixtures of wind, water, fire, earth, and spirit.

The Chakras

The Chakras are thought to be various centers of energy within, and around, the body. Originating in India, the belief of chakras has become widespread in the western world, and is a well-known topic to many New Age practitioners. Each chakra supposedly attributes to a different aspect of your well-being & personality, and when these chakras become unbalanced or blocked, they cause disturbances in your physical, mental, and spiritual bodies. To open and balance these chakras, it is best to do what is known as chakra therapy.

In my experience, many people over emphasize the importance of the chakras, especially those new to the occult. Some people believe that by working exclusively on one chakra, particularly the forehead chakra, in hopes of becoming psychic, they can achieve an enlightened state or gain special abilities. There is also an infamous online "Chakra Test" which has become surprisingly popular in recent years. The tests have become the latest fad in the occult community, despite that it's scores mean little to nothing. Although chakra work is great, working excessively on one chakra will cause imbalance throughout the other chakras, and this can do more harm than good. The key to chakra work is balance, and I urge you to work on all the chakras, not just one in particular, if you seek to partake in chakra therapy.

There are 7 main chakras, and thousands of minor chakras. The seven main ones are listed below, in order from bottom to top:

  1. Root (Red, located in groin)
  2. Sacral (Orange, located between groin and navel)
  3. Solar Plexus (Yellow, located just above the navel)
  4. Heart (Green, located in upper chest)
  5. Throat (Blue, located in throat)
  6. Forehead/3rd Eye (Indigo, located in forehead)
  7. Crown (Purple, located at the top of head or just above it)

Concepts To Keep In Mind

The following are a few concepts that would be beneficial to keep in mind throughout your magical journey.

1) Introspection

In magical practices it is tremendously important to be introspective, and know yourself on a deeper level of understanding. Make an honest review of who you are, taking into account both your strengths and weaknesses, so that you will not only know your limits, but will also know where you can excel. Also, realize that while you may know a great deal about magick, there is always a great deal more to learn. The learning process never ends, and will (hopefully) continue up until your death. Lastly, you must be able to know when you are wrong or at fault. It will happen on occasion, and when it does, you need to be able to realize this and find the best way to remedy the situation. Knowing yourself will give you the ability to learn, grow, and find balance throughout your magical, and mundane, endeavors.

2) Respect

As with many things, respect is another important concept when working with magick. A good practitioner will respect that all beings have a right to exist in the world, and should not be disturbed unless there is a valid reason to do so. In addition, respect that the universe needs balance. Good requires evil, light requires dark, death requires birth, etc. Also, be mindful to respect the energies and workings of the universe. Work with the energies, not against them, in order to achieve the best result.

3) Effort & Dedication

Magick, like any other activity, will require effort and dedication in order to truly achieve success. To be a successful practitioner, one needs to have the proper amount of thought, intent, and willpower. When you desire something to happen, really put your mind to it. Dont delay, or procrastinate. The amount of effort that you put in is directly correlated to what will manifest. If something doesnt work, then try again. If what you do continues to fail, then research the problem, and try again. It is important to not give up, and to pursue issues until the end.

4) Discovery

Your practices will also include a certain amount of self-discovery. It is not enough to simply amass a huge collection of spells, rituals, and recipes; you need to be able to discover what works specifically for you, and what you can do to make your practice your own. Magick is not only about self-discovery, but also about discovering the various energies and complexities of the universe.

Suggested Assignment

Think about whom you are, and your connection to the universe. Contemplate the path you wish to follow, and what you want to get out of your practices.

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Re: The Complete Basics Guide
Post # 3

Magick - 102

As youve probably seen, some people add a k to magic when talking about it. This is to distinguish between stage magic (which is for entertainment) and magick, which is a practice, an idea coined by the great occultist Aleister Crowley. You can spell it either way you choose, its just personal preference.

What Is Magick?

Magick is not only a practice, but also a way of life. Its the science of manifesting your will, gaining a higher awareness, and understanding the universe through a spiritual, emotional, and energetic level. It is a universal power that can be used to manifest your will and bring about specific changes through the use of spells, chants, meditation, prayers, and mere thought.

Magick is not what can be found in movies or books like Harry Potter. Magick will never give you any super powers or allow you to defy the natural laws of science. Rather, magick is an application of the mind, body, and spirit to create change in the universe. Magick is typically accomplished by affecting the mind, and thus perception, of the practitioner or the people around them. To an extent, magick may also affect the physical world.


Although more common among people new to the craft, a number of people still have misconceptions about magick. Many people enter the craft, thinking that it can be used to easily mend all of the problem and difficulties in life. However, this is not the case, as magick requires years of devotion, practice, and studies. Traditionally, members new to magick would enter into a year and a day program before really practicing magick for themselves, as it would allow them to study, realize what the practice is about, and decide if this was a path they wished to continue studying.

Furthermore, magick is energy, and wont affect the universe on a viewable level. If you are seeking to change your physical appearance, to achieve amazing powers (such as telekinesis, levitation, flying, teleportation, transformation, etc.), or to change your species (such as become a vampire/werewolf/mermaid) then magick is not for you. Magick is intended for spiritual insight and aid, not for amusement.

In addition, Magick is not something that can be learned in just a few sittings; rather it is something that you learn throughout the course of your life. Without the focus and will to commit to learning magick, your ability to learn will be greatly compromised. If you are not able to devote time to studying, as well as practicing, magick, then you should look towards other spiritual paths.

Some people believe that magick will be the cure-all to all of their issues. This is not true. Although it is fair to say that magick can help make your life better, without an additional amount of mundane effort magick will not work in making your problems disappear. For instance, if you do a spell for money then you better send out job applications and go for interviews. The money will not just appear in front of you, youll have to work for it.

Please, dont get into magick under the impression that you will get special powers, be able to change your species, or that it will come easy to you. If you do, then you will soon find out that not only are you not able to do these things, but you will eventually realize just how much time you wasted trying to accomplish these feats. Take the advice now, and it will help you in the long run.

Black & White Magic

In truth, there is no such thing as Black or White magick. Magick is neither good, nor evil; neither black, nor white. Magick is determined based on the intent of the caster; one could easily use white magic to harm someone and use black magic to help someone. For instance, if you cast a spell to get a job then you are ultimately taking that job away from someone else so that the position is available for you. Just as easily, you could cast a spell for someone to lose his or her job, and then someone else would be able to receive the newly opened position. Different approaches, but it has the same ending effect. For every action, there is a positive and negative reaction. Thus, it is pointless to label magick as either Black or White.

However, there are some people who prefer to use these labels to distinguish between spells of a particular nature. Black magick can be used to describe any type of magick that is intended to cause ill will (spreading negativity) or involves death/destruction. White magick, on the other hand, can be used to describe any type of magick that is intended to benefit other people (spreading positivity) or involves life/creation.

There is also a less commonly known concept of Grey Magick. This concept is a combination of both the black and white, saying that magick is neither creative, nor destructive. If someone were to say they practice Grey Magick then they are implying that they do not distinguish between good/evil, and realize that there is a balance between the two.

The main thing to understand from this is that Magick is neither inherently good, nor evil, as it is affected by the intent of the caster. Furthermore, Black, White, and Gray are simply labels.Lastly, every spell you cast will have both a positive and negative effect, so there is no point fussing over it with labels.

Suggested Assignment

Work on challenging all that you have learned about magick. If any of your previous knowledge seems like it may be unreliable, do some more research to remove any misconceptions you have about what magick truly is.

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Re: The Complete Basics Guide
Post # 4

Meditation - 103

Meditation is an activity that embarks on the quest of quieting the mind and calming the body to embrace the power and complexities of the universe. It is believed that the practice of meditation develops willpower, focus, clarity, and opens the body to universal energies. Many religions and belief systems practice meditation, such as Paganism, Judaism,Buddhism, & Hinduism. However, meditation is also used in many non-religious applications such as yoga, therapy, and alternative medicine. Meditation, the center of extensive scientific research, has shown to:

  • Improve blood pressure, oxygen intake, & lung function
  • Boost creativity, mental agility, processing speed, mental focus, & clarity
  • Increase pain tolerance & relieves chronic pain
  • Decrease the risk of heart attack & promotes weight loss
  • Help overcome anxiety, depression, stress, & anger

To better explain meditation I find it best to do so in terms of brainwave frequencies. Your mind is constantly emitting brainwaves, and the frequency of these waves depends on the state of mind youre in. There are 4 frequencies of brainwaves that this guide will focus on; Beta, Alpha, Theta, & Delta. Beta waves occur during normal day-to-day activities, as this is when your mind is in its alert state. Alpha waves occur during relaxed wakefulness, giving the mind a tranquil and floating feeling, which can be induced through light meditation, as well as Cannabis (Weed). Theta waves occur during our sleep cycle, prompting hallucination and drowsiness, which can be induced by hypnosis and moderate meditation. Delta waves occur when the mind is in a deep, dreamless, sleep, and can be reached through the deepest state of meditation.

There are 3 main types of meditation; light, moderate, and deep meditation. Light meditation is the easiest form, as it can be done in only a few minutes and does not require rigorous concentration. This form of meditation is typically used to calm the physical and mental bodies, as well as balance your emotional state. Moderate meditation is perhaps the most used form of mediation. It typically takes between 30 to 90 minutes and is used for more intensive meditative work. Deep meditation is the hardest form of meditation to achieve, as it usually takes upwards of an hour and involves vigorous concentration. This form of meditation is used to contact the divine or do deep introspective work. (All time limits are approximate, and do not always apply)

Uses Of Meditation

The practice of meditation can also be used to induce a specific state of mind. Usually people will attempt to achieve a calm and tranquil state of mind through the use of meditation, but meditation can just as easily help to achieve an aggravated or distressed state. The tranquil state of mind is preferred as it is a suitable state of mind for most circumstances, and is usually needed before inducing a different state of mind. Alternate states of mind can sometimes be preferable for various ritual works or activities.

Meditation can also be utilized to observe the existence of the universe, and the existence within you. By exploring your internal existence you can better understand how you work on a psychological level as well as develop your flow of energy. It will aid you in recognizing the difference in your emotions, as well as discovering who you truly are as a person. It will dispel feelings of insecurities, or an overt sense of grandeur. By exploring the external existence you will become better equipped to interpret the universe. It will develop your intuition and psychic abilities, and provide a deeper understanding of the universe.

Lastly, meditation can be utilized to connect and contact spiritual entities or the divine. The practice is useful for peaceful reflection, as well as communicating on a higher level with spiritual beings. Meditation is how one might speak with the gods or contact his or her spirit guide.


It's likely that your day-to-day life is full of unending distractions and that it's hard to get even a moment of peace. This is completely understandable in a world where everyone leads such stimulated and busy lives, but when you prepare to meditate it's important to find a space where you can be removed from these distractions to ensure that you get the best experience out of your session.To begin this task, first decide whether you wish to hold your session inside or outside.

If you choose to hold it inside, make sure to find a quite room away from any disturbances. Turn off the television, cell phone, computer, tablet, and any other electronics. If you can, turn off the lights as well, or light some soothing candles/incense. Lastly, make necessary preparations with roommates, and finish any work beforehand to minimize disturbances.

If you wish to meditate outside, plan your excursion in accordance to the weather and temperature so you can be comfortable while outside. Comfort is essential when meditating, and should be a top priority while meditating. You need to be comfortable with the sights, smells, tastes, feel, and sounds in your environment to provide the best experience possible.

Make sure that you have been properly fed, have relieved yourself of bodily waste, and have taken care of whatever else you need to. If you are anxious or too energetic then consider shaking yourself out by doing a quick physical exercise. Once you've found a suitable place, sit comfortably or lie down. Either is fine, just make sure that you are comfortable, but not comfortable enough to fall asleep, as that will defeat the purpose. Once you are ready, close your eyes if you wish, and begin.


In addition to being comfortable, breathing is another important aspect of meditation. Start by taking slow, deep breaths in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Let the air completely fill your lungs before exhaling, taking time to reflect on your breathing if you wish. It is sometimes recommended to inhale for 3 seconds and exhale for 5, but do whatever feels right to you. With each breath imagine tranquil energies being taken into your body, and with each exhalation, anxious & excitable energies being pushed out into the universe. At any point you may switch to a more comfortable form of breathing if you so desire. Remind yourself that there is no need to rush or worry. If you find yourself having trouble with sitting still, shake your arms and feet a bit, and then return to meditating. After a few minutes of focusing on your breathing, this should leave you feeling physically calm and relaxed. If at any time your physical calm is disturbed, simply revert back to focusing on your breathing, continuing until you are calm again.

Once you reach this physically calm state, the next step is to quiet your mind of random and spontaneous thoughts. Notice I say quiet and not silence. The mind was not designed to be silent, although it can be quieted, and you will find a great deal of resistance if you attempt to silence the mind, especially at first. Begin by observing the natural thoughts that enter your mind, not trying to change or alter them, just acknowledging them. After a while, try to calm your mind, and slowly remove any stray thoughts by directing your focus, typically to your breathing. Don't try to do so all at once; as you will be met with heavy resistance. Rather, remove them gradually so that it will be more manageable. If you find yourself distracted, simply return to your breathing, and progress slowly. If you mind continues to wander from topic to topic then gently focus your attention on a single point, and then return to breathing. If desired, a mantra can be recited as well.

Once you feel confident with quieting your mind, you should be left with an overwhelming sense of calm and peace. You now have the choice to continue on with your day or to remain in the tranquil atmosphere you have created, for as long as you wish. If you desire, you can now take this opportunity to reflect on your life actions and choices, or perhaps give undisturbed thought to a situation/question in your life. At this point, you may do whatever pleases you and feels right. You may also take this time to change your state of mind, should you desire to. This can be particularly helpful when doing a working that would be best suited for a different state of mind. For instance, it would be favorable to the outcome of your working if you were in an annoyed and aggravated state while preforming a curse, at this state would better suit what you are working towards.

For the purpose of this section, I will use a state of anger as an example. (You may change it accordingly to fit your situation) To change your state of mind, continue from your relaxed state, bringing up thoughts relating to your desired state of mind. Bring up memories of when you were angry, when you were truly filled with scorn and resentment. When you were aggravated to no end. Relive the emotions associated with those memories, feeling the rage build up inside of you, waiting for it to burst. Think to yourself of all the things that anger you and piss you off. Give in to that primitive emotion and let it free. Let it explode out of you and as you do jump up and let yourself be filled with that emotion. You may now utilize this changed state of mind as you wish.

When you are finished with your session, it is usually best to gradually bring your mind and body back to a natural state. If your purpose of meditating was to change your state of mind, disregard this. To bring your body and mind back to a natural state, slowly awaken your mind, allowing the thoughts to once again roam free. Then, slowly feel your body, gently urging it to awaken. Notice the feeling in your limbs, then wiggle your toes and fingers. Stretch your arms and legs, then open your eyes, lie down for a moment, and then slowly stand up. Your session is complete.

Helpful Tips

Many people will say to begin with clearing your mind, but this is not the correct thing to do. Clearing your mind of thoughts is what comes close to the end, after you have eased into a relaxed state. If you try to clear your thoughts at the beginning you will be met with too much resistance and will find yourself frustrated with the lack of results. Having thoughts pass through your mind is normal, and it is something that should be addressed once you have reached a relaxed state, not before.

Some people find it easier to focus on the dark space behind their eyelids when they are meditating, as it directs their attention away from stray thoughts. Other people might find it easier to go through the process of relaxing each individual muscle. If you find that focusing on your breathing doesnt work for you, try these techniques.

If you have an itch, then scratch it! If an itch is distracting you and making you uncomfortable then dont hesitate to take care of it. You can always get back to meditating once you have finished scratching it.

Dont procrastinate on meditating! Meditation is most effective when done in repetition, and it is best to set aside enough time to meditate daily, or at least weekly. It doesnt have to be long; even a few minutes every day can have a tremendous impact.

Remember to choose a time of the day that will work for you. Some people prefer starting their morning off with meditation; others prefer to close their day with meditation. Personally, I think both the morning and night are awful, as youll be too tired while mediating. I find the middle of the day, to the late afternoon to be best.

If you find quieting your mind to be too difficult, try doing a chaotic meditation. Follow your thoughts, letting them run free, until they eventually run out.

Various Meditations

When starting Meditation you typically stick to 1 or 2 techniques, however as you advance you will find that this simple exercise can be reworked to suit your growing needs. The following are some ways to switch up your meditation:

Count Your Breath Meditation

  1. Sit down and concentrate on your breathing. Dont try to control it, rather just breath automatically while paying attention to the air passing through your nose, into your lungs and then out through your mouth.
  2. After you get settled, start counting.As you breathe in think 1, as you breathe out think 2, as you breathe in think 3, and so on. If you find yourself thinking of something else besides your breathing, acknowledge it & return to your breathing.
  3. After you have mastered that move onto the sensations of your breathing. See if you can tell if your breathing becomes slower, quieter, faster, deeper, etc. If at any time you notice strange feelings such as muscle reactions, notice them & go back to your breathing.
  4. Once you get to 100 (or your desired #), slowly return to normal.

Object Meditation

  1. Choose an object to use and put it at eye level so you can see it easily.Sit down & calm yourself. When you are calm, focus all your attention on the object. Breathe deeply and stare at the object while keeping your mind blank.
  2. When you are ready, close your eyes and try to visualize the object in your mind for as long as you can without straining yourself.If the image disappears or you start thinking of other things, just try to visualize the object again.
  3. When you feel you are done, slowly return to normal.


  1. Sit down and direct your attention to your breathing. When you are calm, begin to visualize a place or a memory that is restful, peaceful, and calm.Visualize yourself interacting with that image and try to use your 5 senses. Make it feel as if you are actually there. Try to hold it in your mind for as long as possible.
  2. When you lose the image, slowly return back to normal.

Tree Of Life Meditation

  1. Sit down, clam yourself and clear your mind. Begin visualizing your feet as deep roots growing into the ground; your body becoming a tree trunk; and your arms & head becoming branches.
  2. Feel the sun warm your branches, and your leaves absorbing the suns energy. Feel the energy moving down and into your body where it is stored.
  3. When you feel you have collected enough energy, visualize the roots becoming your legs; the trunk becoming your body; and the branches becoming your arms & head.

Chakra Meditation

  1. Sit down, calm yourself and clear your mind. When you are done, visualize yourself with turning water wheels in place of each of your chakras and a glowing white waterfall behind you.
  2. Visualize the water falling on your chakra water wheels and making them slowly begin turning faster and faster in a clockwise position. Continue until the light finally washes over your root chakra.
  3. When you feel satisfied, slowly return to normal.

Other Mediation Ideas

  • Normal meditation while visualizing yourself under a waterfall of light that washes away negative energies.
  • Normal meditation while taking a warm bath with herbal water, candles, incense and music.
  • Dancing while listening to your favorite music. Just by getting lost in the song you will be doing a form of meditation.
  • Watching TV & eating will also get you into the same state of consciousness as meditation.

Suggested Assignment

It is recommended that you meditate for at least 30 minutes today and then 15 minutes each day after for a month. In truth, 15 minutes is only a small fraction of your day and despite the busy schedule you might lead, you will have enough time to finish a short session. Meditation is best done consistently, so it is best to stick to your meditative routine. The times can be adjusted to suit your needs.

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Re: The Complete Basics Guide
Post # 5

Visualization 104

Visualization is the art of creating a visible picture in your mind, much like a daydream, and allowing our imagination to flourish. This technique is particularly useful for magical workings, as it is believe that if you can visualize the outcome of what you desire (Ex. receiving a high test grade) then you will have a higher chance of fulfilling that desire (Getting an A+). It is wise to practice this technique often, as you will see this technique referred to frequently throughout magical practices. To improve this skill, meditate regularly, and try to visualize something you know well, such as your phone or keys. Form a mental image in your mind of the object, each time going further and further into detail. Try not to get discouraged if visualization does not come easy to you, with practice you will soon be able visualize with ease.

In addition to its obvious magical implications, visualization can also be used to substitute tools & spells. When you can successfully hold an image in your mind, you can start visualizing tools instead of actually using them. This can be very helpful if you are traveling or don't have the funds to purchase tools. When you are experienced at visualization you will be able to visualize the outcome of your desire and empower it with your energy. If done correctly, this can function as a spell.


This is a long process at first, so I would recommend you take your time instead of trying to rush through it. If you are unable to visualize the next step, just take a deep breath, relax, and try again. Its not expected you get everything on your first try, just take everything at your own pace. As it is a very common technique, I will use Laurie Cabots apple visualization.

To begin, close your eyes and meditate for a few minutes. Allow your mind to relax as you listen/feel your heart beat. Focus solely on your heart, and nothing else. When you are calm, and your mind has settled down, then you can begin.

Start forming a mental image of an apple in your imagination. Pay heavy attention to its shape, color, size, and external features. What color is the apple; green, red, yellow? Is it a large apple, or is it quite small? Is the apple round; perhaps its dented? Just note the features, and go into as much detail as you can. If you cant hold the image for long, or have trouble, just continue practicing and the skill will eventually come to you.

When you feel as if youve exhausted what you can do in the exercise above, try reaching out and feeling the apple in your mind (may take a couple tries). Roll it around in your hands and try to feel everything the apple has to offer. What does it feel like? Is it soft, hard, mushy, course, or smooth?

For the next step, try smelling the apple. With both hands, bring the apple to your face and inhale the delicate scent of the apple.

Lastly, bring the apple to your mouth, and take a bite, letting all of your senses burst into being. Feel the juices running down your chin, smell the sweet aroma, hear the crunch as you chew, see the bite you took out of the apple, and finally taste the sweet flavor. Use all of your senses as you finish eating the apple, one bite at a time.

When you finish the apple, take a deep breath and praise yourself for a successful visualization. You can now use this technique for any object you wish.

Various Visualizations

As you become increasingly comfortable with the practice of visualization, youll be able to expand your repertoire of exercises. Here are some examples:

Shape Visualization:

  1. Close your eyes and bring the image of a shape into your minds eye.
  2. Add color to the shape, and then try to make it 3 dimensional.
  3. If you can, rotate the shape or add other shapes.

Object Visualization:

  1. Place an object, any object, in front of you. Study every detail of the object, picking it up if necessary. Take however long you feel you need to remember every detail you picked up on.
  2. Close your eyes and try to visualize the object. It helps to start with the general shape and color, then adding the finer details when you become more comfortable.
  3. Now, use your other 4 senses while visualizing the object. Touch it, smell it, and taste or hear it if you can.
  4. When you are done, open your eyes and study the object again. Take note of how close you were and see if you can find any details you might have missed.

Color Spectrum Visualization:

  1. Close your eyes, and bring the color black to mind. Focus on the black, and see it vividly in your mind.
  2. When you are ready, begin shifting the color from black to grey, to white. Visualizing all shades between black and white, focusing briefly on each one.
  3. Next, add some pink to the mix, bring the white to light pink, to pink, to dark pink, to red. Again, visualize each shade you can.
  4. Continue this, following the order of colors: Red, to orange, to yellow, to green, to blue, to indigo, and finally purple.
  5. When you have gone through the entire color spectrum, try working backwards, going from purple back to black.

Portrait Visualization

  1. Bring the image of a close friend or family member to mind.
  2. Start with their body, forming it to fit their specific muscle tone and weight.
  3. Next, turn your focus to their head, particularly their face, nose, lips, ears, hair, eyes, etc. Visualize all the details you can, adding freckles, beauty marks, or other features wherever necessary.
  4. When you feel you have completed this, visualize them in a familiar outfit, paying close attention to all the details. Zoom In to particular areas if it helps you.
  5. Lastly, bring life into the visualization. Visualize the person smiling, dancing, siting down, or doing some other sort of activity. Make them look as real and as vivid as possible.

Landscape Visualization

  1. Start with the image of a place you know well, such as a beach.
  2. Visualize the waves gaining in mass until hitting the shore, the sun glaring down, and the clear blue skies.
  3. When you have added enough detail, try to feel like you are actually there. Run your hand through the scorching sand, feeling it between your fingers.
  4. Try running into the cool water, noticing the salty taste as it hits your mouth.
  5. Really feel as if you are there, using all of your senses.

Suggested Assignment

Practice any of the exercises above, once a day, for a week. This will aid your visualizing skills and will allow for more complex visualizations in the future.

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Re: The Complete Basics Guide
Post # 6

Grounding & Centering 105

The main purpose of grounding is to balance and regulate your energy levels, emotions, and thoughts. Grounding aids in the prevention/treatment of excitability, emotional outbursts, fatigue, etc. It also cleanses us of other peoples energies, which accumulate on our own energetic fields. In its simplest forms, walking barefoot and eating natural, unprocessed foods can help with grounding.

  1. To begin, sit in a meditative position, close your eyes, and take slow, deep breaths. Follow the steps of meditation outlined earlier, getting into a physically calm state.
  2. Next, visualize yourself as a tree; your feet as roots anchoring you to the earth, and your arms as branches reaching for the sky with your hands becoming the leaves. Feel the energy from the earth, reaching your roots closer and closer to it.
  3. Release all negative thoughts, worries, and energy by pushing them down your roots and into the molten core of the Earth where they can be recycled & renewed.
  4. Next, absorb energy through your leaves, feeling positive vibrations coursing through your trunk, balancing & renewing your essence.
  5. Feel the energy circulate in your blood stream and visualizing the power collecting into a bright ball of pure energy at your heart. Bathe and relax in the beauty of the natural energy. Then retract your roots and branches, before slowly opening your eyes.

Centering allows someone to centralize his or her energy someplace inside the body. Think of centering as bringing together many small streams to form a strong and powerful river. Most people center themselves in the navel, or heart, chakra.

  1. Begin by lying down and calming yourself; close your eyes and relax.
  2. Next, visualize a black silhouette of your body with your energy as millions of glowing atoms bouncing around, lighting up your body.
  3. Slowly start collecting the balls of light into one giant ball at your navel/heart. Visualize the smaller balls of light being sucked into the bigger ball like a vacuum.
  4. Once all of the small balls of light are gone, turn the larger ball into a solid, glowing, sphere. At this point, unless you want to do anything further, slowly open your eyes and enjoy your newly centered energy.

Suggested Assignment

Complete the grounding and centering exercises at least weekly, as it will offer many benefits in your life. Try doing the exercises before your next big test or work deadline, and hopefully youll be able to be more balanced and calm when tackling the problem.

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Re: The Complete Basics Guide
Post # 7

Energy Manipulation - 106

Everything in the universe is comprised of energy, and everything in existence emits (or absorbs) energy to some degree. Emotions, thoughts, sounds, light, etc. are all energy. Magick is able to harnesses this energy and utilize it to create change in the universe. Science is only beginning to have the means to explain this, and recent discoveries in quantum mechanics, like the observer effect, are providing evidence to support the existence of this practice. Many magical practices, such as casting a circle, shielding, and spell work will rely on your knowledge of how to manipulate energy, as energy manipulation is the basis for many magical workings.

Raising Energy

The first step to successful energy manipulation is learning how to raise the energy that you will be working with. Thankfully, there are many ways to raise energy, such as drumming, chanting, dancing, singing, lighting a fire, or anything else that gives you that pumped up feeling. Youll know that you are doing it correctly, because you will often be able to feel the energy as you raise it.

Energy Constructs

Energy constructs are energetic objects, such as a shield for use in shielding, used to carry out a specific task. Constructs can be used to create energetic fields, PSI balls, as well as energetic entities. Energy constructs will never be physical objects, create anything that you can visually see, or be used to physically harm something.

Shaping Energy

To shape the energy, first make a PSI ball. A PSI ball is a sphere of psychic energy, which can be used for more complex energy constructs. To make the sphere, rub your hands together for a minute, and then hold them flat against each other. Separate your hands by half an inch, and see if you can feel the energy between your hands. If you can, then move onto the next step. If you cant, try again. Dont feel disheartened if it does not come easy to you, it will take practice.

Using what you already know, raise some energy. Once you feel you have raised a sufficient amount, use your knowledge on centering to move the energy to the space between your hands. Once you have collected all of it, try forming it into a sphere, using your visualization skills, as you slowly expand the space between your hands to accommodate the sphere of energy. You have now successfully created a PSI ball.

Directing Energy

Once you have finished raising the energy, it comes time to direct it. There are many ways to direct energy. Using a lock of hair, visualizing the energy rushing into the universe, saying what you want to happen (a spell), or anything that can be used to symbolize a connection between the energy and where you want it to go, can be used. To aid this effort, wands are typically used as they focus and direct the energy more precisely.


Energy can also be programed with an intent, which can better direct it to where you desire the energy to go. Programing energy is the process of empowering the energy with a specific intent, such as healing. To do this, create a PSI ball, and visualize the energy changing color (red or green for healing) and completing the task you want the energy to preform (healing). Energy is typically programed through the use of spells, as they incorporate visualization and vocalization to program the energy to fulfill your desired intent.

Items can also be charged with energy once the energy is programmed. It is recommended to first cleanse the item of previous energies, and then empowering it with energies specifically tailored to what you will be using the object for. For instance, a crystal may be charged with healing energies so that when the crystal is held, it will subtly heal someone of his or her affliction. This is done by visualizing healing energies (just imagine whatever you associate healing energies to be) flowing into the crystal, and empowering it to be a healing tool.

Suggested Assignment

Try creating a PSI ball using the provided technique. If you want, use the skills you have learned thus far to charge an object.

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Re: The Complete Basics Guide
Post # 8

Shielding - 107

Shielding is the process of forming barriers of magical energy, typically around your body, through the use of visualization and energy manipulation. When done properly, shielding can protect you from psychic attacks, entities, outside energies, hexes, curses, spells, general harm, etc. during your magical workings and everyday life. Shields can also be formed around a sacred space, a cast circle, or another object.


Before shielding, it is important to know which type of shield(s) you are going to use. There are 3 main types of shields; the bubble, the mirror, & the layered shield. The bubble shield is your basic, all purpose barrier, which is easy to visualize and great for beginners. A mirror shield is a barrier that is programmed to not only protects you from outside energies, but to send them back to their source. This can be very useful when trying to combat hexes and curses. Lastly, we have the layered shield, a shield composed of multiple layers, with each layer programed for a different purpose. Recall how to program through your experience with energy manipulation.


Make sure to Center and Ground yourself before shielding to allow for a constant and centered energy flow. If you have trouble maintaining your shield, or it just doesn't feel right, try Centering and Grounding again.To begin, simply visualize an impervious barrier of energy around yourself. For example, you could visualize an indestructible blue bubble surrounding you. The more effort you put into visualizing your shield, the stronger it will be.

Once you feel comfortable creating your shield, I would advise you to make a gesture to use as a mental trigger. By doing this repetitively, over time it will automatically get your mind into the proper mental state to create or maintain your shield. This will speed up the process and allow for stronger or more complex shields.

If for some reason you wish to remove your shield, just visualize yourself closing it. This can be done in a variety of ways and I encourage you to experiment. However, a simple technique you can use is to put your arms up and have your shields energy collapse (as if you were to burst a bubble) and be absorbed by your body.

Overtime, your shields will deteriorate if not properly maintained. To keep your shields in peak performance, visualize your shields being replenished with energy every few days, once again becoming indestructible to outside energies. Alternatively, you could remove your shield and create a new one in its place to allow for a fresh start.

Suggested Assignment

Shield yourself as soon as possible, so you can try it out and see how it feels. You could also practice creating, removing, and maintaining your shield to provide some good practice.

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Re: The Complete Basics Guide
Post # 9

Circle Casting - 108

Casting a circle has become a fairly popular practice in modern witchcraft and paganism, as it can be used to create Sacred Space as well as shield your workspace during a magical working. Sacred Space is any place that has been purified, cleansed, or otherwise set aside for magical workings. There is no specific way to cast a circle, as everyone has their own way of doing it, if they cast circles. Many Folk Magick traditions and Reconstructionist paths will not cast circles, as well as people who simply choose not to. While often associate with Wicca, circle casting is not limited to this path alone.

The general idea of casting a circle is that you are cleansing the area of negative or inappropriate energies, as well as forming a barrier to prevent those energies from re-entering the space during your working. This is important; as it prevents energies that may counteract the energies we wish to rise, from polluting the working. Some practitioners will cast a circle for every magical working, while others will cast it only for certain rituals. Its just personal preference.

A circle can be cast for a variety of reasons. As stated before, it can be used to cleanse the area of previous energies. A circle can also be used for protection, to shift between different planes of existence, and to contain energy during a working until it is ready to be released.

Circles can be cast either individually, or with a group. The main idea will remain the same in both circumstances, although certain jobs or duties may be assigned to each member if in a group setting. Typically, each Watchtower would have its own assigned person, who is charged with inviting and dismissing the Watchtower when casting the circle. However, each group does this differently.


The first step is to decide where you will be casting your circle. It can be indoors or outdoors, as long as you are in a place that you will be comfortable and not disturbed. When you have found a suitable location, it is best to clean the area of any debris, hazards, or obstructions (including animals). You want a clean and a big enough workspace. It is then time to clean the area of any energetic debris by cleansing. Smudging the area with sage, asperging it with blessed water, or sweeping the ground with your besom can all accomplish this. If you do not have access to these items, visualize the area being washed in white light or mentally sweep the area. It is suggested to start all cleansing in the northeast, and continue widdershins (counter-clockwise) to cast out all previous energies. To re-energize the newly cleansed area with energies to compliment your working, try taking incense or blessed water deosil (clockwise) around the area.

If desired, you can also make a physical representation of the boundaries of the circle that you are preparing to cast. For example, you could draw on the floor with chalk, make a circle out of rope/string, sprinkle salt water around in a circle, or use stones/candles to form a circle.

The final step is to set up your tools and workspace. It is very important to have all tools and items within the boundaries of the circle before you begin. It will be disruptive to your working if you constantly need to leave the circle to get a tool or item that was forgotten. Once you have gathered all of your tools, it is traditional to put a candle at each cardinal direction. The north represents earth, and would have a green candle. The east represents air, and would have a yellow candle. The south is fire, and would have a red candle. And the west is water, which would have a blue candle. If these colors are unavailable, white can always be used as a substitute. You may also place a symbol of each element at their direction, such as dirt in the north, incense in the east, a fire in the south, and a bowl of water in the west. I prefer to set up my altar before the circle is cast so I know I have all my tools with me before I start, but the altar can be set up while casting the circle if that suits you.

Casting The Circle

To cast the circle, hold your wand, staff, athame, sword, or forefinger, and point towards the ground. Stand in the North, and direct your energy through your wand to where you would like the circle to begin. While slowly moving deosil (clockwise) around the perimeter of the circle, visualizing the energy forming an invisible barrier. This energy can be visualized as a ring of light, a circle of flames, or anything that you feel is right. Empower the energy with your intent (protection), and traverse the perimeter of the circle 3 times. When you finish, affirm you action if desired, such as lighting a candle to represent that the circle is cast. If at any point you need to leave the circle, cut yourself a door by visualizing a door opening (or a parting of the flames/ring of light) at the perimeter of the circle, allowing you to pass through the barrier. This is usually done with an athame or wand, but can also be done with your finger. Remember to close the opening once you have left the circle, and to open it again when you return.

Calling The Watchtowers

The watchtowers are called upon to protect, as well as lend their energies to, the circle. There are 3 main watchtowers that can be called upon; the cardinal directions, the elements, or angelic/spiritual beings. In some cases, many Watchtowers can be called upon, although this will cause a longer ritual. Depending on the path you choose to follow, other forces may be called as watchtowers too. I prefer to call the Watchtowers after I have cast the boundaries of the circle, but the watchtowers can be called beforehand if desired. The circle has now been fully cast. At this point, you may invite any deities or spiritual energies that you wish to have present within the circle, and then carry out your working. Here are some basic examples of Watchtower callings:

Face North and say: Hail to the Northern Watchtower, home of the fruitful earth, who provides strength and sustenance, I welcome you to my circle.

Face East and say: Hail to the Eastern Watchtower, home of the clear skies, who provides wisdom and freedom, I welcome you to my circle.

Face South and say: Hail to the Southern Watchtower, home of the scorching fire, who provides passion and creativity, I welcome you to my circle.

Face West and say: Hail to the Western Watchtower, home of the blue ocean, who provides knowledge and vitality, I welcome you to my circle.

Face Center and say: Hail to the Central Watchtower, home of the astral planes, who provides life and existence, I welcome you to my circle.

Closing The Circle

When you have finished with your working it is time to close the circle that you have cast. To do this, cast the circle, but in reverse. Thank any deities or spiritual energies you invited to the circle. Be respectful when thanking spiritual energies, and do it properly if you want them to return next time you cast a circle. When you feel that the deities have left, snuff out the candle representing each deity. It then comes time to thank and dismiss each watchtower individually, snuffing out their respective candle as you go. Start in the north with earth, and continue counter clockwise. Basic examples for dismissing Watchtowers provided below.

Face Center and say: Hail to the Central Watchtower, oh lively spirit, thank you for attending this circle. I bid you farewell, go if you must, but stay if you will.

Face West and say: Hail to the Western Watchtower, oh gracious water, thank you for attending this circle. I bid you farewell, go if you must, but stay if you will.

Face South and say: Hail to the Southern Watchtower, oh passionate fire, thank you for attending this circle. I bid you farewell, go if you must, but stay if you will.

Face East and say: Hail to the Eastern Watchtower, oh joyous air, thank you for attending this circle. I bid you farewell, go if you must, but stay if you will.

Face North and say: Hail to the Northern Watchtower, oh fruitful earth, thank you for attending this circle. I bid you farewell, go if you must, but stay if you will.

Lastly, take your wand, athame, staff, finger, etc., and point towards the ground. Start in the north, and visualize the circles energy being absorbed into your body or being released, while walking in a counter clockwise direction. Typically a verse will be said as you walk the perimeter of the circle, such as the circle is open, yet remains unbroken. Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again. Now that you have released the circle, clean up the physical area, and you are done.

Suggested Assignment

If casting a circle is something that you wish to do (remember, its completely optional), then I suggest trying to cast a circle during your next ritual or working, using the method described above.

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Re: The Complete Basics Guide
Post # 10

Spell Work - 109

Spells are tools used to channel energy, and in return, manifest an outcome. This is done through the manipulation of chance, which encourages a result in your favor. Depending on the path you follow, spells could also be prayer to the deities or universe for what you desire. Spells are essentially an instruction guide for how to direct the energy. They are not ancient incantations in strange languages that will grant your every wish instantly with a puff of smoke (as seen in the movies), rather they are workings of the natural energies of the universe. (For the record, spells can be said in various languages and may take effect immediately in certain circumstances) This section is a very brief guide to Casting and Writing spells. For the complete version please refer to:

Writing Spells

Writing your own spell is actually quite easy. Get something to write on (can be electronic) and write these down:

  1. What you desire the spell to do (The Title)
  2. Your current emotions/intent
  3. Any tools/ingredients you want to include
  4. Any actions you want to include (Ex. Dancing)
  5. Any words you want to say

When you are done, make it a more formal spell by cleaning it up a bit and adding anything else you desire. When you are done, try it out. Dont be frustrated if it doesnt work the first time, spells take practice. As a note, spells dont have to rhyme or include items.


The wonderful thing about magick is that nothing is required. Although many craft practitioners prefer using tools, they are not a necessity to preform magick. Some practitioners never use tools; it all depends on personal preference. A traditional set of tools might include candles, a besom (broom), an athame (ritual blade), bell, chalice, cauldron, censor, altar cloth, and wand. According to your practice and personal preference, various items may be subtracted or added to this list.

Casting Spells

Spells are essentially tools that can be used to direct energy into a specific outcome. (Such as getting an A+ on a test) However, some spells (many on this site) are destined to fail because they aim to accomplish outlandish goals. (Such as changing your DNA)


  • Sometimes it helps to forget about the spell so that you arent having second thoughts about the spells effectiveness.
  • You need to believe your spells are going to work. If you dont believe, how can you achieve?
  • Use your resources. The more you practice and do the basics, the more effective your spell will be.
  • Put all of your emotion into the spell while visualizing the outcome you desire.

Why Spells Fail

  • You do not have faith in yourself and your abilities
  • You need to refresh your knowledge on the basics
  • You didnt put quality effort into the spell
  • It was a fluffy spell (Spells intended to give you super powers, control the elements, or change your physical appearance/species are all fluffy spells)

Suggested Assignment

Try writing your own spell instead of using a spell that was already written. Try incorporating other concepts that you have learned in this guide when writing or preforming the spell.

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