New Stock?

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New Stock?
Post # 1

I have been searching for a larger sized cauldron (looking for closer to a quart-size) and was curious to know how often new stock comes into the store, and the likely hood of such an item coming in.
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Re: New Stock?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

We have nothing that big. Our largest is a little more tha 1/3 a quart which is out of stock. Uusually items get restocked from almost immediately to within a month, depending on how common they are. Something like cauldrons are probably restocked monthly.

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Re: New Stock?
Post # 3
Thanks for the reply. I do like the smaller ones, so no worries. I've been looking for a larger one for some time and having little to no luck finding the right size for a price that isn't insane.
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