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Post # 1
I was wondering if in Vodou, Voodoo, and Hoodoo if there were mentors and what they did. I'm quite ignorant on the subject and would like to learn more so I can practice spells and such.
If there are, would anyone mind being mine?
Thank you, Blessed Be,
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Re: Mentors
Post # 2

Both Catherine Y. and Starr Casas hold classes, Starr Casas I recommend because her classes are hands on conjure. These two are the big names.Search for oldstyleconjure and Hoodoo in theory and practice in Google. This is a good start for reading. Books by Starr Casas and Catherin Y. are also available and I recommend. Then, there is also the good old Bible to read. Avoid the author Denis Alvarado.

As for Vodou, there are books on the subject. The highly recommended ones are Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn ,Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti, a nd Mambo Chita Tann's books. These are good for getting a feel for the religion. Also, searching for "Houngan Matt's Blog" is a great source. These are academic approaches, not for practicing the religion. If you want to practice the religion, a leson, card reading, is needed.It is really cheap, 50 dollars. Houngan Matt and Mambo Chita Tann do these readings.

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Re: Mentors
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Hougan Matt's blog is fantastic, what a great resource and suggestion.

The more ive learned about LM and Cat Y (and her husband) the more i want to stay away from them. That being said, their course is pretty good. I know a good rootworker down in Georgia who went through their course and it really "refined": her (her words).

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Re: Mentors
Post # 4

I don't blame you. lol

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Re: Mentors
Post # 5
Thank you. I'll be sure to read them fairly soon. Blessed Be :)
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