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Post # 1
What is the difference between black and white magick? Some say that black magick is bad and white is good, but why black bad and white good? What about other colors? Also... What is really the difference between them? When you say "black magick" to me, I instantly think "black candles" and similarly with "white magick". I hear that Wiccans don't do black magick and if it has anything to do with what I've heard it could be, I want nothing to do with it. I just want to know what it is and what white magick is.
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Re: Magicks
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Actually, magick has no color. Its all in the heart of the witch. Just for the sake of explanation, we will use the colors. If you mean to harm someone, or hex, I would consider this black. If you mean to heal someone, I consider that white. The latter is also called light workers; healing and helping is good. Does this help?
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Re: Magicks
Post # 3
Thank you for clarifying. And it makes sense for magick itself to have no color. Thank you.
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Re: Magicks
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Wicca.
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