Looking for a coven.

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Looking for a coven.
Post # 1
I'm looking to join a coven on this site. I've looked through the list in the groups section and I just can't seem to find a good fit based on what I've seen and read. So here I'll take a different approach. I'll list what I have too offer and perhaps a coven who fits will reach out to me.

Age: 33

Experience: 5 years.

Paths of study: Gardinarian Wicca and Celtic Druidism. However I study all religions and many branches of the craft outside a religious aspect.

Skills with which I have experience: Past life regression, Meditation, Chakra work, Elemental work, High magick.

Current Study: Astral Travel/Projection, Working with spirits, Riki and healing, Psychic Clairvoyance, and various forms of divination including Terrot, Norse Runes, and the Druid Ogham.

I'm not an expert but I am willing to guide others. I believe that each persons path is individual and that self discovery and exploration are a must. I also am available most days during the day in my time zone and am on the site often.

Thank you for your time. Blessed be.
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Re: Looking for a coven.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Good morning, I am the Priestess of Magical Knights and also a 3rd Degree Gardnerian priestess. Magical Knights does put quite a bit of emphasis on Wiccan topics, but we are open to any forms of magical practice. If you'd be interested we'd be happy to have you on board with us.

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