Subjective Terms

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Subjective Terms
Post # 1
I would like to take the time to get something straight.

Dark, Light, white, black, good, evil, right, and wrong. All are subjective terms. They come down to each individuals opinion, perception, beliefs, and values.

Magick has no color. It's all about the intent of the caster that makes all the difference. The color system is used, in my opinion, for inexperienced practitioners, or people who need or prefer some sense of organization for the intent of the practitioners. However, magick is magick no matter how you want to look at it.

Darkness I consider not as "evil", but I look at Darkness as passionate emotions that blind or cloud the thoughts and influences the decision making of an individual.

Yet some people consider it as things we generally see as "wrong" or "evil". For example, we see killing someone in cold blood as wrong or evil. It's a general idea of what is wrong.

Energy is energy no matter what. You can label it anything you want, however in the end it's still Energy. The same goes for magick.

Magick is manipulation of energy. Also Magick goes hand to hand with science. It's not a science of it's own.

To end this post.

No matter what term you use Magick is Magick, like Energy is Energy. It has no color at all. It is all about intent.

- Jadin
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Re: Subjective Terms
Post # 2
Great post thank you for the knowledge and yes I do agree
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Re: Subjective Terms
Post # 3
great post .Jadin.. I most definitivly agree with it.
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