FRBaptiste's Profile

Member Info
Name: FRBaptiste
Birthday: Dec 7 2000
Location: Anywhere & Everywhere (Primarily Australia)
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sat, 26 Mar 2022
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
You can call me Rhett. Or Freddie. I don't mind either one. I'm a 21-year-old award winning author and I've been a pagan since I was a little boy, and I'm still strong and at it. I don't release too much of my own personal information, if you want to know, become closer to me. I'm better with palmistry than anything else, but I'm also attracted to rocks like a goblin. I love the planet and going into nature, which is practically where I live (even if I'm a vagabond in a car). You can always reach out to me, but if you're suspicious to me, I will raise questions with no offense to you, but just from what I've personally seen in others. Animals are my passion and I hope to conserve them by educating and saving them. Blessed be friends, let's change the world for those we leave it to. I might reach out to you for an interview, because I'm also a filmmaker and documentary maker. Let's make the world a better place together.