Tinka's Profile

Member Info
Name: Tinka
Location: Traveling
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 06 Mar 2010
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
If you are asking me how to become a mermaid, please don't because this is the way to do it... If you want to become a mermaid, you must find the biggest male whale shark and have intimate relations with it... This spell will not work unless you think of fish the whole time and not the shark... If that fails, tie a really heavy rock to your feet and throw it and yourself off of the tallest bridge you can find and stay there for 20 minutes... You will either become a mermaid or die... whichever comes first if you havent gotten the point by now please dont bother pming me as i do not have the time to waste on you and your stupidity.. moving on keep reading for my bio if you want to know my yahoo SN message me I am a Gypsy German also known as the "Black Dutch" i belly dance fortune tell(no i will not fortune tell for u over the internet dont ask) and travel alot im never in the same place very long my family is important and we are very close my grandmother taught me the art of palm reading and herbal healing i like to use my knowledge of Gypsy magic to help other people we as a people the Romany keep to themselves and talk and trade mainly to those in our caravan