Lunaran29's Profile

Member Info
Name: Lunaran29
Birthday: Aug 6 1995
Location: Northern Ireland
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Tue, 08 Sep 2020
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hi! Everyone
I?m a Solitaire witch, with a love for all things weird and spooky. Have been practicing for over 8 years now, I?m well versed in spell work, potions, necromancy and possess the powers of both an oracle and a shield. I have a passions for elemental and celestial magic and I?m always seeking to learn more about the world and the many paths and people within it. I also posses a small amount of demonic knowledge but Thisbe is more for protection purposes.
I am also well versed in tarot and runic readings, astral travel and dream walking. Anything you wish to learn or just chat about feel free to chat away.