AMAPeralta's Profile

Member Info
Name: AMAPeralta
Location: Havasu, Az
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 02 Nov 2019
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Born and raised Roman Catholic but always intrigued with subjects outside of my religion. My father always told me advice but to read between the lines. As for my mother loves and cares for me but our relationship always seemed distant. Father's Spaniard blood and my mother is Mexican. My main objective is to be the best version of me I can be, find my roots, know they enemies, practice and live for the greater good of love and light. I do believe with all light there is dark, with all good there is evil and with all white there is black. I believe each needs equality, duality, balance in order to be made whole. I am a believer in all things pure and good, as well as understand corrupt and bad. I believe in the three fold existence, I believe evil can hide in plain sight, I believe with the intent of love healing and energy of light all can be made well. In other words I accept, practice, learn in both the black and white equally. Have a blessed day!