SpiritWatchr's Profile

Member Info
Name: SpiritWatchr
Birthday: 1994
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 13 Sep 2019
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Magick is no strange thing to my family,my great great grandmother was
Some kind of witch. I'm not sure because you know how family legends
are, don't know what's true or not. But since her every female born
has been somewhat clairvoyant. And even though there's only been two
males born since, I'm the only one with the same gifts.
They have quite literally saved me from bodily harm.
An example is I was able to slam on the brakes while driving
because,I saw in a dream two nights before that a dear would run out
of the woods and slam into the car. Because of said dream I stopped
and we just watched it run passed us. Always looking out for ways to
improve that gift and am always happy to help others do the same.