NocteViator's Profile

Member Info
Name: NocteViator
Birthday: Feb 8 1999
Location: Georgia
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 01 Jan 2024
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
I am merely a guy searching for answers, to be perfectly honest. I know there is more to our reality than the life I currently lead in the world I currently live, so I research magic and the occult to try to find a sort of... I guess you could say a sneak peak to what lays beyond the confines of our reality. I want to see the bigger picture, I want to be a part of it, or at least know my part in it. So I research whatever I can find and incorporate what seems to work into my current understanding of the world. I believe in other realities, spirits, ghosts, demons, angels, I don't know exactly what's out there so I believe there's a possibility of anything being out there. That's what I try to find out, what is out there. Hopefully interact with and experience whatever is out there too. That is what I'm after, sort of, as best as I can word it. Ultimately even I am still trying to figure out what exactly I'm after. I'll find my path eventually. It calls to me.
As for what in particular I research, I research whatever feels like it'll give some hints/clues to the questions I have or have yet to even realize I should ask, that being said I am open to researching anything from 'light/white magic' to 'dark/black magic' (despite I see magic as gray it is the user's intent that determines the shade, like a knife it could be a tool or a weapon, but that is just by my current definition of white/black magic from what I always read about), astronomy, demonology, sigil magic (a lot of that lately, I don't know why but sigils seem to mean a lot to me), spirit work/summoning/communication with other entities (have yet to get anything but I am really interested in this subject for it is one of my main inquires, being directly tied to what lays beyond our world, and yes this does include necromancy, demonology, ... is angelology a term? I'm interested in speaking with whatever is out there that is willing to speak with me. Let's simplify it to that.), I've dabbled in wards, healings, and protective magics given my interest in interacting with other entities the natures of which I may be unable to even yet comprehend (one mustn't play around with this stuff, though I've had some encounters where this research had come in handy I must admit it isn't needed as often as I'd expected), as I've said I research whatever I feel may provide answers. I am open minded to the darker aspects of magic as well as the lighter aspects and the grayest of aspects, for I understand that I know nothing and am open to learning any truths anyone has found that'll help shed a light on the bigger picture.