Djynn's Profile

Member Info
Name: Djynn
Location: meh
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 18 Apr 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I am 13 years old. I don't normally do spells that require candles, spices, incense, oils, or certain moon phases. I usually use magic that happens instanly by channeling energy, chakra, ether, or mana. I have been practicing over 2 years. I do white magic, although i do black magic on occasion when nessessary.
I have been studying magic for about a 2 years. I am also half vampire noble, other sylvok.
Also if anyone has any questions ask me.
I am the leader of the Order of the Seven Spirits.
Currently I have been gagged so all mail sent to me will be read but there will be no response, but you can email me at
If anyone has any good spells, tips, please mail me.