LucianArahsi's Profile

Member Info
Name: LucianArahsi
Birthday: Sep 30 1998
Location: Night Vale
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 16 Mar 2018
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
You may call me Lucian. My name loosely translates to "man of the storm". I am 19 years old, and have been studying magick for 7 years while actively practicing for 5. I work any kind of magick in any situation I see fit. I do not limit myself to the path of love and light only, but rather a path that suits me and my interests. My specialties lie in divination, chaos, and protection magic. My mundane life is average. I read a lot of books, watch a lot of netflix. I'm writing a book, and numerous poems whenever the inspiration hits me. I am a member of the United States Army, serving as a Combat Medic, soon to be reclassed to a behavioral health specialist. Currently in garrison in the lovely state of Texas. I am pansexual, and really uninterested in dating, so please don't even go there. Don't mail me if you are one or more of the following: 1. Literal child of Demons or "Satan" 2. Werewolf 3.Vampire 4. Roleplayer 5. A nuisance 6. Or just plain Ignorant. I am the priest for the Twisted Nether, If you have questions pertaining to membership, or the coven just mail me or the priestess Skylance. All applications need to be mailed to either me or her. Yes, I do realize I am a bit young to be a priest, but I feel more than capable. At the time, please do not ask for readings or my teaching if you are not a member of my coven. I invest all my time with them, but I would be happy to answer any specific questions you have. Anything else just mail me. -High Priest Lucian Arashi