Kresmin's Profile

Member Info
Name: Kresmin
Birthday: Jul 31 1996
Location: USA
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Tue, 15 Dec 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Just finding my path. I'm open to friends, so if you're interested in that, hit me up. To be honest with everyone, I'm not sure what my path is, but recently, I've noticed that I've been looking for answers in all the wrong places. Extrapolating on that, I do have a desire to learn more about Shamanism. I'm sorry if that word offends anyone; I'm still new to this. I try to keep myself from stepping on toes, but I'm absolute rubbish at it. I have a few special interests: I enjoy divination, with palmistry at the forefront. I practiced Paganism and Wicca for a while. That's all that really is there to tell. If you have anything more specific, please do not hesitate to hit me up with an email or something akin to it. I promise, I don't bite. "I've come too far to see the end now, even if my way is wrong." Also, on my photos, the photos I take look like they were taken with a potato. Otherwise, they're just photos I found online that I like. The photos I post that I'd actually taken are usually of me and my personal effects.