Thebluerain's Profile

Member Info
Name: Thebluerain
Location: Sweden
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 27 Jul 2020
Membership: Member

Website: view

Personal Bio
Hi! I'm a spirited young guy who has a thirst for knowledge. I'm still a novice but read up on and improve my magick whenever I can. Things I've read have made me question things that I naively took for granted as an already cynical christian. I have no beef with "the forbidden dark magick". It's still magick, only used for a different purpose. I am currently only dabbling and researching protection magick which someone at my level should. My unshakeable intrest is Necromancy. Somehow it calls to me. I am however, terrified of ghosts. So that's a minus. But there's so much knowledge that old spirits have carried to their grave. Literally. So, I aim to at least learn how to protect myself from enteties. After that, fate will tell.