salem1975's Profile

Member Info
Name: salem1975
Location: United States
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 25 Oct 2014
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hi, my name is Tracy and I live in Kentucky. I have always had dreams that come true and feelings that turn out to be correct. I am devoted to nature and have always had a special relationship to animals. About a year ago my aunt researched our ancestors and found that we are descended from Bridgette Bishop, one of the accused in the Salem Witch trials of the 1600's and the first to be killed. Seeing as how I have always been fascinated by witches and witchcraft, this delighted me very much. However, life, family and work prevented me from researching further until now. The past couple of months I have been severely traumatized many times. I was truly at the end of my rope and very near suicide. My soul has been in search of something to help me, to ease my pain. That is when several signs, or omens, pointed me in this direction. The "weird" feelings and dreams have been coming more and more often. It's been slightly unsettling. Nevertheless, I am irrevocably drawn to the craft. I am in the process of reading all I can, to learn as much as possible about being a witch. I feel that I have a natural gift towards witchcraft and I hope that my instructional phase doesn't last too long. As I learn, I hope that I can help others in need of guidance. Also, I look forward to receiving guidance from those more experienced.