songofchance's Profile

Member Info
Name: songofchance
Location: Canada
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Fri, 07 Nov 2008
Membership: Contributor

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Personal Bio
Hello all, my name is Michelle Lynn Davis, but people call me Chance. Chance is sort've a self-given nickname, for I was given a second chance to right my wrongs, and I fully intend to. I remember, most of what I shouldn't remember, if any of you believe in reincarnation, and know what it feels like to know two (or more) lives, send me a message! I would love to talk to you. :) I believe in magick, and magickal creatures. I'm on this site because I needed to find somewhere I could belong, a place to talk about magick and learn more about it. I joined the Coven of Penta Magic because it's intentions are good. I wronged many people in my past life, and I can't deal with that, so I wanted to learn white magick so I could protect myself from myself, and protect others from myself. However, I do believe that black magick can come in handy, and I am not judgemental at all towards those who choose black magick.