AmayaMoira's Profile

Member Info
Name: AmayaMoira
Birthday: Jan 1998
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 11 Jan 2014
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello, my name is Kandace, but you may also call me Amaya. I am studying "Green" Wicca mostly right now. I am new to Wicca, but am very passionate about it. I will happily share and would love to learn experiences from others. I have not and will not judge others for their preferred path. Every person has their calling to a path, no one can expect everyone to be on the same one. I am looking into a lot of different kinds and paths of the Craft. I have been a "partner" in some sorts with a couple people when it comes to learning and sharing our Craft with each other. General info: 15 (16 in January) Bi-sexual. In high school My year and a day, ends Feb. 22. Craft info: Exploring different forms of the craft until I find my absolute calling, but I have been very attracted to and such to Lunar Magicks. I have a sensitive second site when I am not guarded, and I am learning to control that. (Some signs of Empathy and catching thoughts of others) A lot of my worship revolves around my poems. I am very passionate about Nyx and Hecate though I am not sure what to make of it. Any questions go ahead and ask.