MusicGirl705's Profile

Member Info
Name: MusicGirl705
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Thu, 30 May 2024
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio

"Hello everyone i am Music Girl but you can call me Music."


Well that's how my intro used to go anyway. But now things have changed since I first made that bio. I'm actually a Music guy now 9 years later haha.
If i could change the username I would. Just use they/them or he/him pronouns for me. You can just keep calling me music or call me Z.

I'm still fairly new to things despite having made this account 9 years ago because back then I wasn't all to serious on it but it did always fascinate me and i had a deep interest for it. So mainly used to lurk around the site, make friends, roleplay(i dont do that anymore here though), and unfortunately lied a little bit about myself back then so people would talk to me. Those days are over thankfully, I have since then much matured much more and have reignited my deep interest for magick and have found myself being drawn even more to paganism especially Norse paganism deity wise. Im still in my researching phase before i start practicing anything heavily so if anyone has any tips for me on where i should begin i will take all the help i can get.