Flameprince's Profile

Member Info
Name: Flameprince
Birthday: May 1 1996
Location: Guntersville,AL
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 11 Mar 2013
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Hello. Uh, I really dont know how to start this. I seem to be really good with fire, and other "darker" spells. Once, there was this gay guy that chased me around, and he got really annoying, so I looked for the least powerful sickness spell i could find and cast it on him. The next week, he was sick with the flu. I also have noticed that fire seems to follow me around. Like I can barely move my hand and it will lean in the direction of my hand without me even trying. I know it isn't wind because I don't move my hand fast enough to blow.I'm a christian that thinks the bible was slightly tainted by human hands. So I'm not gay like a lot of people up north. One thing that bugs me soooooooo much is that everyone up north thinks people from Alabama are all stupid country redneck hicks. I ABSOLUTLEY HATE THAT. So, if you insult Alabama in any way, don't be surprised if you find your house burned down.