Caten's Profile

Member Info
Name: Caten
Location: Between a rock and nowhere
Last Seen: Fri, 17 Aug 2012
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
If you would like to know, ask. If not, then let me be. "He knows that he has learned something with every battle he has fought, but many of these lessons have caused him unnecessary suffering. More than once he has wasted his time fighting for a lie. And he has suffered for people who did not deserve his love. Victors never make the same mistake twice. The is why the warrior only risks his heart for something worthwhile." -Paulo Coelho The future has become the present, and every dream - except those dreams that involve preconceived ideas - will have a chance to be heard. Anything of importance will remain; anything useless will disappear. However, it is not our responsibility to judge the dreams of others, do not waste time criticizing other people's decisions.