Istharia's Profile

Member Info
Name: Istharia
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Tue, 10 Jul 2012
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I'm 22, somewhat new to magick, and a psi vamp.
I started out a few years ago with energy work when I found out that I was a vampire and needed extra energy to support myself. I advanced slowly because of my issues with the fact, but I'm at peace with that now. :)
My experiences working with energy and getting to know other people who practice magick and energy work have made me interested in trying magick. I believe that success boils down to how much energy and will you put into a spell, so I limit my experiments (as I call them) to days when I have an abundance of both to put into my work.
My ultimate goal is to help people heal. Learning everything else on the way is just a bonus. ^.^
I love knowledge for it's own sake. I also do excessive research before I do anything- it tends to annoy people. What I've been studying lately are some of the older grimoires and different kinds of ritual magick.
I've been a Christian since I was a small child, and I'm still working out how magick and Christianity fit together, or if they even do... It's difficult for me to go against everything I was brought up with, but I believe that it will be worth it in the end.
That's about it. If you have any questions or want to know something about me, just send a message!