Vhlasha's Profile

Member Info
Name: Vhlasha
Last Seen: Fri, 18 Oct 2013
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
My third eye is open and I am quite active on the astral plane and have been for years now. My specialty is creation. I am primarily self taught, with some input from a few amazing instructors.
I can help with astral projection quite a bit, and I am always willing to lend a hand if asked, or not asked either way (if you feel that I over step my bounds feel free to tell me I will not be offended.)
I have been fighting demons and the like for a while now and I used to be very over zealous about the topics of demons, but since i have started I have seen the both sides of the spectrum. I have seen the pure evil and the pure good. The one thing I have learned from it is that nothing is clear cut, and anything is possible. From this I have learned to take things to seriously and have instead learned what it means to be peaceful.
I have recently started following the Wiccan Rede and do consider my self a wiccan, but I do not know much about the religion as a whole. Any instruction or pointers in the right direction are very welcome.
As of right now I am actively studying Tarot and fortune telling, since Divination has never come easy to me I would like to get better. any help is always welcome and I will always be grateful
I will never cast magick with out a just reason, because everything has consequences and I believe that what ever energy we put into the world will be reflected to us three fold
Element: Air
-Blessed Be-