Lorevau's Profile

Member Info
Name: Lorevau
Location: Ontario
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 24 Oct 2011
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I am new to the world of magic, although I've really always been interested in it. Since I can remember I've dreamed of having magical powers. I've developed my own spirituality despite being raised in a scientific house and had no real religious upbringing.
Currently I'm looking to learn about what magic is, or if I can even find it to exist...I'm sure many of you might have an issue with that statement. But I mean no offense. Only that I haven't found a way to prove it's existence to myself. That's all.
I'm also looking for a guide of some kind. A guide who wants to help the world, as that is what I hope to do.
Well that's it for now. Any question you have, just ask!