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27 Health Spells from The Immortal's Keep

27 Health Spells from The Immortal's Keep

Included in this list of 27 Health Spells
  1. Healing Others
  2. Healing Image
  3. Healing a Depression
  4. Overcoming your Shadows
  5. Good Health Wishing
  6. Healing the Body
  7. Drawing Out a Latent Talent
  8. Enhancing Confidence
  9. A- Medication Spell
  10. A-Light Spell
#11 - #20

#11 - Healing Others

This is a spell using crystals, candles and incense. It is also representational in that you use the paper to represent the person you are healing. If you use an altar then work with that, but the-spell can also be completed by recognizing that the space between the candles is sacred.
You may need:

  • 3 candles
  • Healing incense (1 part allspice, 1 part rosemary)
  • Paper with name of the person
  • Clear quartz crystal
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    You may need:

  • 3 candles
  • Healing incense (1 part allspice, 1 part rosemary)
  • Paper with name of the person
  • Clear quartz crystal
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    Place the candles on the altar or in your -sacred space in a semi-circle, with the white candle in the middle. Place the incense on the left if the recipient is a woman, on the right if male. Light the incense. Place the paper with the persons name in the centre. Put the quartz crystal on top of the paper.

    Be aware of your own energy linking with whatever you consider to be the Divine. Breathe in the incense and feel your energy increasing. When you feel ready, release the energy. Imagine it passing through the crystal which enhances it to the recipient. As you are doing this, say:

    "(Name) be healed by the gift of this Power"

    Remember that healing energy is used by the recipient in whatever way is appropriate to them. A physical condition may not necessarily be healed, but you may have started an overall healing process. Often the person is given the emotional strength to withstand their trials and tribulations so that an-inner healing occurs.

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    #12 - Healing Image

    This spell uses the very old technique of representing a person as a poppet or small doll. It is similar to To Know the Child Within except that the poppet represents another person. Remember that healing takes place in the way that the recipient needs, not necessarily in the way we think it should happen.
    You may need:

  • Poppet
  • Blue candle
  • Salt
  • water
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    You may need:

  • Poppet
  • Blue candle
  • Salt
  • water
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    Create your poppet to represent the person you wish -to help already completely healed and whole. Take the doll into your sacred space. Light the blue candle (to represent healing). Sprinkle your poppet with the salt water and say:

    "This figure I hold made by my art
    Here represents [name person] ,
    By my art made, by my art changed,
    Now may he/she be healed,
    By art divine."

    Pass the poppet quickly through the flame of -the candle and visualize the person being-cleansed of their problem. Hold the poppet in both hands, breathe gently-on it and visualize first the poppet and then the person being filled with Divine healing energy. Pay particular attention to the areas in the -physical body of your friend with which you know they are having difficulty.

    Imbue the poppet with the idea of being healed from a mental perspective. Think of spiritual energy infusing the doll, and therefore your friend, with the spiritual help that they need. Visualize the person concerned being completely filled with white light, well, happy and filled with energy. Keep the poppet in your sacred space until it is no longer needed.

    At this time, enter your sacred space, take the-poppet, sprinkle it with water and say:

    "By Divine art changed,
    By my art made,
    Free this poppet from the connection with [name] .
    Let it now be unmade".

    If the poppet contains direct links with the person such as hair - burn it in an open fire. If-it does not, dispose of it in any way you wish. If you have used a crystal at any point in this-spell, this should be cleansed by holding it-under running water and perhaps then given-to the person as a keepsake or for protection.

    We are not just asking for alleviation of the-symptoms, we are asking for help from a holistic-perspective. You do have a responsibility if you are-working on someone elses behalf to do nothing-which will make matters worse for them, therefore-think very seriously about using this method.

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    #13 - Healing a Depression

    Depression is not an easy illness to handle and you should not regard spells such as this as a substitute for medical care. However a mojo or talisman bag can be of tremendous support in the process of getting better and has the effect of continually ‘topping up’ the energy needed to overcome difficulty.
    You may need:

  • Your burin or a pin
  • Piece of angelica root for a woman
  • Pine cone for a man
  • Clary sage oil to dress the objects and to use as
  • incense Sprig of rosemary
  • Small dog tag, lucky coin or token
  • White candle
  • Red flannel pouch or talisman bag
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    You may need:

  • Your burin or a pin
  • Piece of angelica root for a woman
  • Pine cone for a man
  • Clary sage oil to dress the objects and to use as
  • incense Sprig of rosemary
  • Small dog tag, lucky coin or token
  • White candle
  • Red flannel pouch or talisman bag
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    If the person you are helping is a woman, then inscribe her initial on the angelica root -and dress it with some of the clary sage oil. If a man then do the same with the pine cone. When using a lucky token, charm or sprig of -rosemary take care to dedicate it specifically-to the person concerned.

    Say something like: "May this token of good luck bring healing to (name of person)"

    With the dog tag inscribe it either with the -persons initials, their astrological sign or the rune symbol Kenaz for inner strength: Repeat the words above as you do this. Place the objects in the pouch. Light your candle and the incense. Dress the bag by dropping a little oil on it.

    Pass the bag and its contents over the candle-three times whilst visualizing the person well-and happy and also asking your favourite-deity to help you in your task. Give the bag to the person concerned asking -them to keep it with them at all times for at-least a week.

    Your subject should sense an improvement in mood-within the week. You can reinforce the bag-s-efficiency every now and then by burning a candle-for a short while and directing the energy at the bag.If you are not able to give the bag to the person-concerned then hang it somewhere prominent so you-are reminded of them occasionally and can send-loving energy their way.

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    #14 - Overcoming your Shadows

    This spell, which signifies letting go the hurts of the past in a way that allows you to move forward with fresh energy into the future, can be performed at the time of the New Moon. By carrying it out every New Moon you are gradually able to cleanse yourself of the detritus of the past, often as far back as childhood
    You may need:

  • Cedar or sage smudging stick or cleansing incense
  • Bell Athame or ritual knife
  • White candle
  • Cakes and wine or juice
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    You may need:

  • Cedar or sage smudging stick or cleansing incense
  • Bell Athame or ritual knife
  • White candle
  • Cakes and wine or juice
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    Cast your circle using the smudge stick or -incense to sweep the space as you move -around the circle clockwise. Think of your space as being dome-shaped -over your head and cleanse that space too. Ring the bell. With your arms raised and your palms facing -upwards, acknowledge the Goddess and say:

    "Great Goddess,
    Queen of the Underworld,
    Protector of all believers in you,
    It is my will on this night of the new moon

    To overcome my shadows and bring about change.
    I invite you to this my circle to assist and protect
    me in my rite".

    Hold your athame or knife in your hands in -acknowledgement of the God and say:

    "Great God,
    Lord of the Upper realms,
    Friend of all who work with you,
    It is my will on this night of the new moon
    To overcome my shadows to bring about change.
    I invite you to my circle to assist me and protect
    me in my rite."

    Light the candle and say:

    "Behind me the darkness, in front of me the light
    As the wheel turns,
    I know that every end is a beginning.
    I see birth, death and regeneration."

    Spend a little time in quiet thought. If you can remember a time either in the last month or-previously when times have not been good for you, concentrate on that. While the candle begins to burn properly remember what that time felt like.

    Now concentrate on the candle flame and allow yourself to feel the positivity of the light. Pick up the candle and hold it high above your head. Feel the energy of the light shower down around you, the negativity drain away. Now draw the power of the light into you and feel the energy flowing through you. Pass the candle around you and visualize the -energy building up. If you wish, say: - "Let the light cast out darkness. "

    Now ground yourself by partaking of the -food and drink. Thank the God and Goddess -for their presence.Withdraw the circle.

    This is a very personal way for you to acknowledge the God and Goddess in your everyday life. While on first acquaintance it appears to be a protection technique, it is actually one to enhance your energies and to allow you to be healthy and happy in all levels of existence.

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    #15 - Good Health Wishing

    This spell is worked at the time of the New Moon and is incredibly simple to do. Bay leaves possess a great deal of magical power and are used for granting wishes. This spell can be used to fulfil a range of desires, and here is used to bring about health and happiness.
    You may need:

  • 3 bay leaves
  • Piece of paper
  • Pencil or pen
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    You may need:

  • 3 bay leaves
  • Piece of paper
  • Pencil or pen
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    During a New Moon, write your wish on a piece of paper and visualize it coming true. Fold the paper into thirds, placing the three bay leaves inside. Fold the paper towards you. Again visualize your wish coming true.

    Fold the paper into thirds a second time, thus forming an envelope. Keep it hidden in a dark place Reinforce your wish by repeatedly visualizing it coming true.

    When the wish comes true, burn the paper as a mark of thanks . This little envelope of power can also be included in a mojo or talisman bag to add more power to it. In that case try to be as specific as you can in your wish. You can, using it this way, impose a time limit on the spell coming to fruition, though it is often better not to do so.

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    #16 - Healing the Body

    This spell works on a simple principle, that of identifying within the body whether the pain it is suffering is physical, emotional or, as is often the case, has a more deep-rooted spiritual component. It uses visualization and colour as its vehicles and calls on Raphael the Archangel of Healing for help.
    You may need:

  • Large piece of paper
  • Red, yellow and purple felt tip pens
  • Black marker pen
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    You may need:

  • Large piece of paper
  • Red, yellow and purple felt tip pens
  • Black marker pen
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    Draw three concentric circles. The inner one should be purple, the middle yellow and the outer red. Add a circle for the head and lines for the legs, so you have drawn a representation of yourself.

    Now, thinking of any health difficulties you have, with the black marker put a small mark on the drawn body to represent that pain. Keep your pen in contact with the paper and ask Raphael for help. You might say: "Raphael, Raphael, Angel of ease. Help me to understand this pain please"

    You should find that your mark is closer to one circle than the other. Remembering that this method is not a self-diagnostic tool at all it is simply designed to help you to come to terms with the pain or difficulty note which colour this is:

    • Red represents pain which is purely physical
    • Yellow usually signifies an emotional cause
    • Purple tends to have a more spiritual basis

    Sit quietly and draw that colour into yourself as though you were marking within your body where the pain is. Next mentally flood that part of your body with white light. For the next two days sit quietly and make the invocation to Raphael again.

    Repeat the drawing in of colour and the flooding with white light. At the end of that time you should begin tohave an understanding of the causes of your pain and how your body is reacting to trauma.

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    #17 - Drawing Out a Latent Talent

    This charm is to bring out an existing talent and develop a potential, not give you one you don’t already have. If you have a secret ambition you might try this spell. It uses herbs as its vehicle and could be done at the time of the Crescent Moon.
    You may need:

  • A small drawstring bag about 10 cms (3 inches)
  • Liquorice root powder
  • Rose hips
  • Fennel
  • Catnip
  • Elderflower
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    You may need:

  • A small drawstring bag about 10 cms (3 inches)
  • Liquorice root powder
  • Rose hips
  • Fennel
  • Catnip
  • Elderflower
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    Put a pinch or two of the liquorice root, rose -hips, fennel, catnip and elderflower in the bag. Once assembled, hang the bag outdoors at -dusk. At midnight, remove the bag and place it -around your neck. If you like you can make -an affirmation before you sleep. Say these words or similar:

    "As I sleep, I shall learn of my best potential".

    You must then wear the charm bag for a full twenty-four hours to allow the spell to work. After that time you can place the charm bag under your pillow the night before anything important is to happen when you feel youneed some extra help in reaching your goals. Sleeping and dreaming are often the best way we have of self-development. Most of us have secret ambitions but are prevented by doubts from succeeding. This spell helps to make those fears irrelevant.

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    #18 - Enhancing Confidence

    In the old days many people thought that noise was a way of getting rid of demons so it was customary to shout when banishing such nasty things. Today we also recognize that psychologically we can be encouraged by passion, so this is a way of self-encouragement, and an appeal to our own ‘inner demons’.
    You may need:

  • A bell or rattle
  • Rousing music
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    You may need:

  • A bell or rattle
  • Rousing music
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    Preferably choose a time when you will not disturb others and when you will not be disturbed. Choose a short affirmation that expresses your best hopes for yourself.

    This might be: "I will survive" or "I can overcome any problem" or "I have the confidence to do anything".

    Play your music until you feel uplifted by its -mood. Take up your bell or rattle and dance around -the room. Proclaim your affirmation at the top of your -voice at least three times and preferably nine.

    When the music finishes resolve to do three -different things in the next week which -demonstrate your new-found confidence. Each week reaffirm your confidence in the -same way, changing the words as necessary

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    #19 - A- Medication Spell

    As you begin to understand colour correspondences, you can begin to use them in spells to keep you well. Many people have to take medication of one sort or another and this spell helps to enhance the action of your particular one. It does mean that you must take your medication at the times given by your health practitioner but you can add additional potency.
    You may need:

  • Your given medication
  • Healing incense (mixture of rosemary and juniper)
  • Anointing oil
  • Square of purple cloth
  • White candle
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    You may need:

  • Your given medication
  • Healing incense (mixture of rosemary and juniper)
  • Anointing oil
  • Square of purple cloth
  • White candle
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    Anoint your candle with the oil. Light your candle. Light the incense and allow the smoke to -surround you. Sit quietly and imagine that you are well. Really feel what it is like to be functioning -fully. Sense how the medication will help you.

    Pick up your medication and allow the -healing energy to flow through you to the -medication. When you feel it is charged sufficiently put it -on the purple cloth and leave it there until the-incense and the candle have burnt out. As you take your medication in future -visualize the link between it and you as it helps to alleviate whatever your problemsare.

    You can further help yourself if, before you -take your prescription to the pharmacist, you place it under a white candle and ask for it to be blessed.

    Do please remember that this technique is not a substitute for medication. You are asking for help in healing yourself and using everything that is available to you. The spell is designed to enhance the healing energy so that you can make maximum use of it. In working in this way you will also be enabled to do all you can to make adjustments in lifestyle and diet.

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    #20 - A-Light Spell

    This spell enables us to practice in the safety of our sacred space, before venturing out into the everyday world. It is not so much a healing technique as an energising one. The closer we come to an understanding of the powers that we use, the less we need protection and the more we can become a source of spiritual energy for others
    You may need:

  • As many white candles as feels right
  • Equivalent number of holders
  • Anointing oil of frankincense
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    You may need:

  • As many white candles as feels right
  • Equivalent number of holders
  • Anointing oil of frankincense
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    Anoint the candles from middle to bottom-then from middle to top. This is so you achieve a balance of physical and spiritual energy. Place the candles in the holders on the floor in a circle about six feet in diameter.

    Standing in the circle, light the candles in a clockwise direction. Stand in the centre of the circle and draw the energy of the light towards you. Feel the energy as it seeps throughout the whole of your body, from your feet to your -head. Allow the energy to spill over from the crown of your head to fill the space around you.

    Now, visualize this cocoon of light around -you gently radiating outwards to the edge of your circle of candles. When you feel ready, sit on the floor and allow the energy of the light to settle back -within you. Ground yourself by sweeping your body -with your hands in the shape of the above figure, but do not lose the sense of increased energy. Snuff out the candles in a clockwise direction, and use them only to repeat this technique until they are used up.

    Gradually, as you become used to the sense of increased energy, you should find that you are more able to cope with difficulties and to become more dynamic in the everyday world. It will become easier to carry the light within you not just within the circle of candles, and you may find that you perceive more ways in which you can help the world go round.

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    Last edited on Sep 18, 2016
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    27 Health Spells from The Immortal's Keep
    #11 - #20