928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- cartoon
- Lucky Little Charm
- Money Shaker
- Money Shaker
- Help you Believe
- Love & Money
- Destiny Flick
- How to Start Fortune Telling
- The Power of Money
- Empowerment
#321 - cartoon
Take your picture or pictures and sit them on the ground then chant: "Come to me, be with me. I wish for the cartoon carecters to be here with me, so mote be it."
Chant: "let me come to you my cartoon friends. Let me come into your cartoon world so mote be it." In 5 mintes you will be teleported into there world or they will teleported into your world.
To come out chant: "Let me go home let be with in my real home so mote be it." or to send them back say: "let them go home let them back to where they came so mote be it."
Last edited on Oct 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#322 - Lucky Little Charm
Choose a symbol that feels like lucky to you.It may be a 4 leaved clover,or just the word "goodluck" in a language that you like. Be creative! Just choose what feels like lucky to you.
Draw it with the pen on one of your hands. I like to draw it on my palm,on that spot under the tumb finger.
Where you choose to draw it is important because as you do,you have to direct a small amount of your energy there and state in your mind the intention you have.
I choose that spot because I can easily send energy there.
Once written and given the energy,it shall bring you goodluck for as long as the writting still lasts. It fades away over time,but it can just be re-done when you feel like it.
Keep in mind that you can't force goodluck. If you use it continously for weeks I say luck is not likely to choose to stick to you forever.
Just do it when you feel like your goodluck needs a little push.
This is all. Blessed be!
Last edited on Jan 02, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#323 - Money Shaker
"Money Money
Come run
Money Money
Come on the run
May this not reverse
Nor place upon me any curse
May all astrological correspondences
Be correct for this working"
Remember to shake your instrument while you chant
Last edited on Oct 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#324 - Money Shaker
Please don't use this unless you truly need money for the doctor, school etc
Last edited on Jul 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#325 - Help you Believe
Say this or Chant this as many time as you want.
"I got spirit yes I do, I got spirit yes I do, I believe in my self yes I do, I believe in myself yes I do, I do have spirit and believes in myself no matter what happens!
Even my higher self believes in me, and all my other self older or young have belief in our self!"
( P.S. That should make yourself stop unbelieving in your self and then you well start believeing in yourself now. )
Last edited on Dec 28, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#326 - Love & Money
Get your sacrificed item and say: "This (Name of the item) is my sacrifice to you, now it is time to say 'shoo!' to money problems. From the (The name of a bank) I will take as many thousands as I have sacrifices." Get your rose, divide the petals up onto your sacrifices. If there is an odd amount, rip one of the petals up evenly.
Get your coin or note and throw it out a window. Then scrunch up your picture of a love heart and chuck it into water, until it disintegrates. With the stem of the rose, you can use it to weaken another person by highly emotional love. Chant: "By my forced hand and my unconditional hatred I 'justify upon this person to fall.
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#327 - Destiny Flick
Awaken one of your evil beings and ask them if you can borrow their power. Once you gained some of their power, (which it can only use so much, so expect it to fade sometime.) imagine that energy is running down to your arms to your fingers. Then create a block at each of the joints of your fingers.
Then say once: "The power I gained will be used too change destiny. I command with a flick of my finger, fate will bend to my will. Either it will be their choice or not, this will be complete." Too close the energy, you must have put the energy back into the chakra points and closed them. Then make sure that you don't use all of the power or you will most likely end up with misfortune.
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#328 - How to Start Fortune Telling
How to be pure/ increase spiritual power?
First you need to have full control of your body when concentrating.
Second, have faith and connection to the cards.
And third, visit natural areas frequently.
Which cards to use?
It is up to you. But here, I will teach you about the mayor arcana
The most powerful cards of the Tarot are the Major Arcana, also known as the Trumps. These cards signify powerful spirituality and life changes and the more that appear in a Tarot reading, the more likely that there are forces at work beyond your control, you will be a better fortune teller.
Cards meanings
The mayor arcana has 22 cards
0. The Fool 11. Justice
1. The Magician 12. The Hanged Man
2. The High Priestess 13. Death
3. The Empress 14. Temperance
4. The Emperor 15. The Devil
5. The Hierophant 16. The Tower
6. The Lovers 17. The Star
7. The Chariot 18. The Moon
8. Strength 19. The Sun
9. The Hermit 20. Judgement
10. The Wheel of Fortune 21. The World
This link, will lead you to the meanings:
If you are not pure enough, you will have lots of problems in all fortune telling.
If you are pure, you will have a little problem here and there.
But if you are completely pure, you will have no problem and do your readings perfectly.
I hope this was of use. Happy fortune telling!
Last edited on Dec 09, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#329 - The Power of Money
- Cast a cycle with your wand
- Light the candles
- Light chosen incense
- Chant at least 13 times:
"Prosperity green, prosperity green
I opean my hand now come to me,
Hear my plea prosperity green,
So mote it be."
Meditate for at least 10 minuites, and imagine a green light transferring to your body. Feel it in your body. Put candles and incense on alter and let it sit for an hour or hour in a half its up to you.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#330 - Empowerment
Put a lot of cinnamon on the flat surface like table or plate. Make sure there is nothing underneath the surface. Now draw Ansuz rune in the cinnamon, focus on what kind of power you want to feel and what kind of things that dispower you, you want to get rid of, now draw a circle surrounding the rune on the cinnamon. Take your bag and put all of your enchanted cinnamon into it. Close the bag to make sure energy is trapped inside. Take bag outside and leave somewhere in nature. As soon as you leave your bag outside you should feel effects of the spell.
Last edited on Oct 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.