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1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

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1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1230 Trick Spells
  1. How to Gain Psychic Abilities
  2. Time Travel
  3. Realm Creation
  4. Time Travel
  5. Flyokinesis
  6. Sense the Emotional Atmosphere
  7. Spoon Bender using Gravity
  8. Shapism
  9. Smotokinesis
  10. Vyrokinesis

#1081 - How to Gain Psychic Abilities

Increase or gain your psychic abilities!!!!
You may need:

  • (any mixture of lavander, Ambergris, Benzoin, Cherry, French Vanilla, Heliotrope, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Lemon, Magnolia, Opium, and Frankincense......combind as much as you can)
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    You may need:

  • (any mixture of lavander, Ambergris, Benzoin, Cherry, French Vanilla, Heliotrope, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Lemon, Magnolia, Opium, and Frankincense......combind as much as you can)
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    at night before you go to bed, during either a full or waxing moon. go outside in a quite place. cast a cirlce, then place the 4 purple candles in each direction and the white candle in the middle. dress the white candle with the oil (or if using incense then place around the circle). light the candles and sit in the middle staring at the white one. invision a point on your forhead draining te energy of the candle, do this and then say:

    ''vision of future present & past,
    psychic spirit i do cast,
    to hear & see the things that aren't there,
    psychic powers i wish to bare,
    i open to see all with my 3rd eye,
    psychic bond to me i wish to tie,
    unbind my spirit and my mind,
    so that my visions shall no longer be confined,
    let my visions & dreams come before the rising sun,
    as i cast let my will be done,
    pychic powers i invoke thee,
    as i will so mote it be.''

    blow out the candles clockwise starting from north, and before you blow out the candle say:

    ''psychic powers i invoke thee,
    as i will so mote it be.''

    let the white candle burn out by the candle burns out...stare at the flame and make sure to write down any images/mssages that come to you during that time. then once the candle goes out go straight to bed.

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    #1082 - Time Travel

    Just what it says only go forward instead of back in time.
    You may need:

  • Mind
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    You may need:

  • Mind
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    "I wish to go forward, forward back to the present this is my will so mote it be!"

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    #1083 - Realm Creation

    a spell created so one can create and physically walk into a world of their own design for whatever purpose they have chosen.
    You may need:

  • elemental or familiar
  • physical body for familiar
  • portal
  • sacred space
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    You may need:

  • elemental or familiar
  • physical body for familiar
  • portal
  • sacred space
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    This is likely to be the only spell i put up here as it was difficult for me to develop it and it took me some time to do so. it is experimental so you were warned but I'm putting it up because after all the hard work to develop this spell, i wanted to share it with someone in the magical community to see it they are able to do it, what changes they made to it themselves etc. if something is unclear, then feel free to contact me. and if you succeed in casting this spell then by all means contact me. this spell is an excerpt from my own spell book though some of the things ive done differently may or may not affect the outcome, its too soon to tell. well, enough of this. here is the spell.

    Phase 1: Primary Preparation
    Step 1: determine the basic principle and nature of your world to build around. This is its foundation
    Step 2: Build your world around that principle. How it will function generally. How lucid or solid will the world be, etcetera. As well as a general structure of its landscapes and so on
    Step 3: Determine the nature of your unborn Kin Spirit or familiar/elemental. Its basic nature should match that of the world you are creating for better integration. The rest is up to you, and how you raise it/him/her
    Step 4: Gather the ingredients needed to create your kin spirit and prepare to create it.

    Phase 2: Raising your Kin Spirit
    Step 1: Create your Kin Spirit as required for your world.
    Step 2: Maintain and take care of that spirit. Treat it like a loved child and let it know its purpose, as well that you will still care for it after it is completed
    Step 3: Teach it its lore
    Step 4: Develop a rapport with your Kin Spirit and be able to communicate with it telepathicly
    Step 5: Become in tune with one another. Steps four and five should come naturally ass you raise the Kin Spirit.

    Phase 3: Refining your world
    Step 1: Create a more specific outline of the world. Here, one could get a sketchbook and draw out how various landscapes will look, write down the properties of various elements, plants and so on. Draw or write down basic parameters of your world such as how large it is, how much will be sea or land, how large the ecosystems will be and so on. But be general enough so that it leaves a since of wonder, and so that mana can be displaced more naturally. Be sure to do this WITHOUT creating various wildlife in the world.
    Step 2: In a place you chose, create a geographical area in your world where a counterpart of your kin spirit exists. This means that if your Kin Spirit was born as a tree, then an exact duplicate of said tree should exist in your world. Here it is best that you start with the seed and duplicate the seed, creating a link between the physical seed, and the astral one you created in the world. While growing it in the physical world, also grow it in the astral realm. This way, the two trees are one and the same and will naturally be linked together. This link will be invaluable later.

    Phase 4: Refining the focus site
    Step 1: Experience your Focus Site. The focus site is your sacred spaces, in your world and the one you inhabit. You are to astral project to you Focus Site and simply walk around or sit there. Experience it, what does it smell like, its temperature, what does the ground feel like, is it warm or cool, wet or dry, bare or covered in grass. Drink water if it is present in your Focus Site, is it clear, does it taste good, refreshing? Listen to it, what are the sounds of the place, wind on the leaves, fruit or nuts dropping to the ground and so on. Take in the surroundings, become familiar with this place through every sense you have. This will solidify it through your attention to it and will strengthen your link to this place, making it easier to recall for later steps regarding transportation there. Take note of the technique you used to bring your consciousness here. Make sure it is a method that makes you feel you could walk into that world once the link is established. Make a point to feel out the worlds mana as well as the mana of your home world.
    Step 2: Summon your Kin Spirit to your Focus Site. Get it acquainted with this place as you have. Make sure it?s the kind of place it could be comfortable in for a while and teach it what work will be done here.
    Step 3: Repeat steps 1 though 2 several times over a period you deem necessary. You should be able to bring yourself to this place very easily, almost without the need to meditate. Practice this until your focus site is as natural to you as ones back yard or other physical surroundings. You don?t have to visualize a street to walk on it, you shouldn?t need to do that here after a time either.

    Phase 5: Final Preparations
    Step 1: Preparing the Focus Sites. Send your Kin Spirit to your worlds Focus Site and have it prepare to use a grounding technique. You will do the same in the focus site in your current realm. Both must send your roots deep under ground. Do this to get mana of the two worlds circulating around and throughout your Sacred Spaces. Once complete, make a note of the worlds mana, make any and all notes you can about it. You should now be familiar with your inhabited worlds mana, and your created worlds mana.
    Step 2: Preparing the Portal. Set up a portal near your Kin Spirits body in your Focus Site and place the corresponding portal in the same spot in the Site in the other world. Hold the portal open and the two of you practice channeling mana from your respective worlds into the other. This portal, and circulation of mana will become another link to the two worlds, as well as integrating links together and making them stronger. Once done, make a note of any and all links between the two worlds as you can and write it down.
    Step 3: Inspecting the focus sites. Meditate in the physical Focus Site for a while. Make a note of its mana, feel it out. Make sure there is a faor amount of mana flow in this place, you will need it later. Keep the area cleansed, sealed, warded, whatever you deem necessary to keep it safe and ?clean?. Most important is that you have a good feel of this worlds mana. When done, astral project to your new world. Greet your Kin Spirit or bring it with you if it resides with you normally and do the same in your realms Focus Site. Make especially certain that this place is cleansed and protected, you don?t want harm to come to your Kin Spirit while you are both working, or you when you physically arrive.
    Step 4: Inspecting the portal. Open or unlock the portal and inspect it. Make sure it is stable. Sit down in your focus site and instruct your Kin Spirit do the same in your new realm. Channel mana from either side one at a time first. Communicate with your Kin Spirit and see if mana is getting through to the other side into your world. If yes, then via telepathy, let your Kin Spirit feel how much mana you sent through then instruct it to send you a message of how much it received or noticed on its end, if no, then fiddle with the portal or method you manipulating energy you are using till your kin spirit can sense the oncoming mana. Then repeat the process with your Kin Spirit as the original sender. This will give you a general idea of how much mana is getting through to each side and if you need to adjust how much mana each sends or not. Make a note of this. When this is done prepare to send mana through the portal simultaneously from both sites for a small amount of time. Then stop and make a note as before. Rest up, then try casting simultaneous mana transference again (I could have probably come up with a shorter name or just made up a short name for it for memories sake as I usually do but don?t want to be confusing if I?m not already) for a much longer time, make sure not to over exert each other, if one of you are tired then rest and take a note of each of your limits.

    Final Phase
    The final preparations have been made. Now all there is to do is to repeat steps one through four of phase 5 until the realm is dense enough for you and the portal strong enough to transport you. make all necessary precautions and then more just in case, it never hurts to be cautious. Good luck fellow mages.

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    #1084 - Time Travel

    This spell will enable you to travel back in time.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say: "I wish to go back back toward the past." Think of an event in history you would like to witness first-hand.

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    #1085 - Flyokinesis

    Control levitation and gravitation wqith energie that comes from powerful thos that are in you mind....
    You may need:

  • Psychic Level: Med. or High
  • 1000% Focus
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    You may need:

  • Psychic Level: Med. or High
  • 1000% Focus
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    Just think of the wind elements.
    Feel the energie in the wind
    you feel right now.
    Close your eyes.
    Focus on the earth force, and

    If this is done correctly you are slightly levitating.
    Ceep it up and you can do the Criss Angel Building Fly!!!!!

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    #1086 - Sense the Emotional Atmosphere

    This is a technique for Empaths on how to sense and feel the Emotional Atmosphere around them as opposed to just one single individual.
    You may need:

  • ) Your focus.
  • ) The Psychic ability of Empathy.
  • ) Your willpower.
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    You may need:

  • ) Your focus.
  • ) The Psychic ability of Empathy.
  • ) Your willpower.
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    To Sense the Emotional Atmosphere around You

    1. Think of the area around you and the people occupying it.

    2. “Sense” and “feel” your awareness extending out to the Emotional States of the area you are trying to sense.

    3. Allow any emotions and/or emotional thoughts to enter your mind now as you keep your awareness extended to the Atmosphere around you.

    You will most likely have to work at this a few times to achieve the level of achievement I have come to, as I have been an Empath all my life, thus being able to do this in a flash, even from the start of practicing this technique about 2 years ago.

    This technique can also be rearranged to sense a single individual’s emotions and feelings, but you must do these 3 things to achieve this altered form of my Empathy technique:

    1. You must focus your thoughts on the individual, similar to the way you focused your thoughts on the Emotional Atmosphere around you in the technique prior to this one.

    2. “Sense” and “feel” your awareness extending out to the individual you are trying to sense.

    3. Allow any emotions and/or feelings, emotional thoughts, etc. to enter your heart and/or mind at this point, because whatever you sense in the moment is most likely coming from the individual.

    Well, have fun with these 2 techniques but don’t use them for malicious purpose, because Karma will come back to bite you in your butt!

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    #1087 - Spoon Bender using Gravity

    Bend spoon (no touch)
    You may need:

  • Psychic Elemindy Wand (E-Wand)
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    You may need:

  • Psychic Elemindy Wand (E-Wand)
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    Take the elemindy wand. Point at spoon. feel energie. embrace object. vizulize a crack and bend (transparent Frog for gravity to bend it)

    Open Eyes. BENT!

    This power can be yours!!!

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    #1088 - Shapism

    Ability to shape anything to any other shape
    You may need:

    You may need:


    Imagine that object. feel it with the energie with the shape you will shape it to. Then focus on that until your muscels hurt.
    Then Jump (wuth eyes closed) little jump. Now it molted a little.
    So your on level 1 Begginers.
    Keep this up and then you can shape it exactly like that. Or even quick with your eyes open!

    This power can be yours.

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    #1089 - Smotokinesis

    Ability to make a person say anything you want.
    You may need:

  • Psyhcic Level: Can be low or more.
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    You may need:

  • Psyhcic Level: Can be low or more.
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    Think of telepathy. and mind control. Think of that persons name. feel the time of energie balls his/her name brings. Thin say anyword the won you want them to say. Then they feel funny and say it.

    This is the easiest kinesis of all.

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    #1090 - Vyrokinesis

    Abilitie to control coloring or control colors. You must have very good focus and attention on this, or things could go wrong.
    You may need:

  • Psychic Level Focus: High (100)
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    You may need:

  • Psychic Level Focus: High (100)
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    Focus on what object color you want to change. Feel the energie of sun colors. Feel the energie of sad and moon plus sea colors. Embrace the color you want to change it to. Means become one with it.
    Feel the movements inside that object. Now, open your third eye, then close your two other eyes. Then energie UP that color of the object. Here is where you need to extra forus!
    Now. Vizulize a magical bubble embracing you and that color of that object. Embrace the colors that you will change to. Now, heres the extra ultra hard part.
    Vizulize some energie magnits summoning the colors to the object. Hold the object that you will be changing color. Then feel the energie and warm and coolness. Now open all eyes and close your third eye, look, the colors have been changed! By you!

    This is little dangerous, some of this takes lots of memorie out of you.

    This is the hardest kinesis of all~ And necrokinesis is hardest, too.
    This one can kill you, so you have to focus to not kill you, wich is hard. So, this is the rarerest power and hardest I really meen hardest kenesis of all in the univerce!

    Enjoy this Kinese spell.

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    1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters