Go to a quiet place and sit in a comfortable pose. Shut your eyes, clear your mind, and focus on being at peace. Do not open your eyes. Stay in this pose for 3-6 minutes (you can go longer when you are better at it and feel comfortable doing so).
Meditation is a great tool to relax you, prep you for your spells or rituals, build your energy, and put you at peace.
Very simple to do. Use this spell to achieve a wish.
You may need:
You may need:
Get into a relaxed and comfortable state. Think of what your wish is, what you want to happen. Say to yourself that it will happen and focus on that. Visualize it happening in your head. Keep acting and telling yourself that it will happen.
If you have a small pain in your body, like a pinch/cramp or even a headache, this simple but nowhere near basic spell will do the trick.
You may need:
You may need:
Imagine a force field surrounding that part of your body. For headaches, imagine it around your inner mind, or brain, or even third eye/sixth sense. This spell is mainly based on belief but also partially works from the actual magick within yourself and the spell. Since it does not require much work it is convenient and easy to remember and do in a fix.
This does not work for open wounds or obvious scabs. For the two latter it works to relieve some pains for short periods of time, although may not completely work for a few people. Since this is mainly based on belief and birth or studied power, it doesn't always work but if you are true to your magick and elemental powers it shall take you on the path of healing.
Latin spell to make someone forget what happened in the last 24 hours.
You may need:
You may need:
Call up your corners and spirits ect. Then chant in a strong voice:
" Jam tibi impero et praecipio maligne spirutus! Ut confestem allata abesque omni strepito torre clamore et foetote asque sine omni damno mei tam animae quam corporis!"
Sit with your legs crossed or you can stand straight up. Then, hold your hands flat on your chest and Imagine your hands cold as ice. Then breath slow with your head facing straight down after 10-20 seconds of doing this you will see resualts
Find a relaxing place and sit in a comfortable position. Light the yellow candle. Chant the following three times, slowly: "Beautiful day, wonderful day. Make this a magnificent day".
Good for your skin, use as a base for herbal bath spells.
You may need:
1 cup cornstarch
2 cups milk powder
dried herbs listed bellow
glass jar and lid 3 cups/24oz
1/2 cup Nutmeg
1/2 cup Cinnamon
Pinch Ginger
1/2 cup Lavender
1/2 cup Jasmin
1/4 cup Apple Blossom
1/2 cup Lavender
1/2 cup Roses
1/4 cup Verbena
pinch of Orange Zest
1/2 cup Poppy
1/4 cup Nutmeg
1/4 cup Sandalwood
You may need:
1 cup cornstarch
2 cups milk powder
dried herbs listed bellow
glass jar and lid 3 cups/24oz
1/2 cup Nutmeg
1/2 cup Cinnamon
Pinch Ginger
1/2 cup Lavender
1/2 cup Jasmin
1/4 cup Apple Blossom
1/2 cup Lavender
1/2 cup Roses
1/4 cup Verbena
pinch of Orange Zest
1/2 cup Poppy
1/4 cup Nutmeg
1/4 cup Sandalwood
Mix cornstarch, milk powder, dried herbs choose ONE season, do not add all at once in a bowl, then place in jar. Keep in a dry place. Add 2 tbsp to a warm bath and soak.
A spell I obtained from a book I read some time ago, with my personal touches added to it. Best if done on a full moon.
You may need:
altar candles
white tapered candle
black tapered candle
You may need:
altar candles
white tapered candle
black tapered candle
Step 1: Light altar candles. Hold the unlit black candle in your hands and say: ''This holds me back. No more will it control me. No more is it a part of me.''
Step 2: Place the black candle on your altar and hold the unlit white candle in your hands. Say: ''This is my might and my courage and my victory. This battle is already won.''
Step 3: Place the white candle next to the black one on your altar. Light the black candle and picture the bad habit you want to break. Light the white candle and picture yourself free from your bad habit. After a few moments of imagining victory, put out the black candle, then the white. Repeat a week later if necessary.