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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Love spell / potion
  2. Scrying
  3. How to get your crushes love
  4. Star comunication
  5. Consecrate an Object
  6. Simple Romantic Perfume Potion
  7. Gem to me dearly Beloved
  8. Love Potion
  9. To Sweeten Someone Towards You
  10. Extremely ticklish genitals (unisex)

#261 - Love spell / potion

This is both a love spell and a potion, you can use it to attract your crush. Now, obviously you have to be around him/her because your crush doesn't magically appear in your room! unless you're adding some other magic to the spell of course. I do encourage personalizing it.
You may need:

  • cinnamon
  • (red, white and/or pink) rose petals
  • 2 red candles
  • 1 white candle
  • cleansed (moon)water
  • apple seeds
  • a little bottle
  • a bowl
  • optional:
  • incense
  • 2 tealights
  • vanilla oil
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    You may need:

  • cinnamon
  • (red, white and/or pink) rose petals
  • 2 red candles
  • 1 white candle
  • cleansed (moon)water
  • apple seeds
  • a little bottle
  • a bowl
  • optional:
  • incense
  • 2 tealights
  • vanilla oil
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    My spell was originally written in Dutch, just like the instructions.


    Clean your altar just like you always do. Put a red candle on the east- and west side of your altar. You put the white one in the middle, a little higher than the other ones. If you want to, you can take 2 tealights and put them below the candles, so it looks like a pentagon. This way you can connect the dots with lines in your head or with herbs like a pentagram.

    1. If you want, you can meditate before you begin.
    2. place the bottle and bowl in the middle and make sure that all the ingredients are on your altar (I put them outside the candle circle, but it is up to you).
    3. Light the candles clockwise while thinking about your crush. His/her smile, voice, everything you like about that person.
    4. keep thinking about your love while you put the apple seeds in the bottle one by one.
    5. put the petals an the water in the bowl, and try to visualize him
    6. Wait for a couple of minutes, and try to picture your person clearer and clearer, fill in every detail. You can also put the vanilla and cinnamon in the bottle.
    7. pour the water in the bottle without the rose petals.
    8. optional if you don't want to throw the petals away (I'm talking about burying them, don't throw them in the bin): Crush the wet petals into a half liquid mixture, and put it in the bottle as well.
    9. Chant:

    Goddess/elements/Aphrodite, hear my plead, I ask you to give me the man I need

    [name crush] is the key, for love, adventure, and joy for me

    So mote it be

    repeat If you feel like that's necessary.

    Again, this might not work for everyone, since spellcasting is something very personal. But I hope that this give some inspiration

    Added to on Feb 16, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #262 - Scrying

    With a lot of practice, you can see psychic images in water or a crystal ball.
    You may need:

  • either a crystal ball
  • or a bowl of water with black ink in it
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    You may need:

  • either a crystal ball
  • or a bowl of water with black ink in it
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    Either use a crystal ball, or fill a bowl with water, and put black ink into that water.

    Gaze into the water or ball with a clear mind. Gaze not stare. Try not to think about anything when gazing. If you fail to see any psychic images in the crystal ball or black ink water after attempting for from twenty to thirty minutes, stop and try again each day. From the crystal ball or black ink water, you may not see any portents at all after weeks or even months of attempts, but you will eventually see them with enough pursuit. When you do see the portents, the visions will be either literal or symbolic.

    Added to on Feb 13, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #263 - How to get your crushes love

    It's to get you some love. It may or may not work so bear with me.
    You may need:

  • A burning desire
  • Voice
  • Ability to act natural around your crush
  • Pen & paper
  • Candle
  • Offering for the goddess of beauty.
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    You may need:

  • A burning desire
  • Voice
  • Ability to act natural around your crush
  • Pen & paper
  • Candle
  • Offering for the goddess of beauty.
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    1. Write out your crushes name on a paper and write why you want him.
    2. If you have a picture of him/her then have a good look at it.
    3. Chant: I want love, I need this love, please Lovely Aphrodite, come to my rescue.
    4. now hold up your offering and crushes name paper and burn them
    5. now act really natural around your crush, should take a few days sorry if this fails, is my first spell.

    Added to on Feb 10, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #264 - Star comunication

    This spell will allow you to communicate with someone through a star in the night sky (can't be the sun) This spell is one I am testing and is a theory about something that works for me personally. It's hard to explain but simple to do. Similar to making a psi ball!
    You may need:

  • Night sky
  • Message you want to send to a person
  • Patience
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    You may need:

  • Night sky
  • Message you want to send to a person
  • Patience
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    For this spell you need to be in a comfortable spot where you will not be interrupted. After you are ready, either near a window or outside, you should find an eye catching star. (It must be a star, not the sun or a planet) It won't work on a cloudy night. What you need to do is watch the star for a moment, then picture the letters of the message you are sending in your head with your eyes closed. Imagine they are liquid flowing all through you, and then to your hands. Open your eyes and point at the star you chose.. Imagine, with your eyes open, the letters flowing to the star from your hand. Imagine the star is made up of this message tightly compacted. Watch it for a while and remember all the steps you did. After a bit, go to sleep or go back to doing what you are normally doing at night. The next time the person you are sending this to sees that star, they will receive your message so keep in mind when you do it. Remember this is still being tested so it might not work for you. Good luck!

    Added to on Feb 03, 2020
    Last edited on Jul 01, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #265 - Consecrate an Object

    A spell to cleanse an item for your spellcasting or enchanting.
    You may need:

  • Incense - myrrh or patchouli preferably
  • A white candle
  • A bowl of water
  • A bowl of salt
  • The object to be consecrated
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    You may need:

  • Incense - myrrh or patchouli preferably
  • A white candle
  • A bowl of water
  • A bowl of salt
  • The object to be consecrated
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    Light some incense, preferably myrrh or patchouli and a white candle. Take the item, cover it with salt, place your right hand over the bowl (unless your left handed, then use your left) and envision a white light leaving your palm and passing through the bowl, washing away all negative energies. Then say:

    "Blessed Lord and Lady, with salt and smoke I consecrate this tool in your name. Let it serve me well."

    Remove the item from the salt, shaking off the salt as you do so, then pass it through the incense smoke, sprinkle it with water, then pass it through the candle flame.

    Your item is now consecrated.

    Added to on Feb 01, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #266 - Simple Romantic Perfume Potion

    A simple perfume/potion, to be used in small quantities and is not to be ingested
    You may need:

  • 6 mLs Rosewater
  • 3 mLs Water
  • 3 Cardamom Pods
  • A pinch of Saffron
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    You may need:

  • 6 mLs Rosewater
  • 3 mLs Water
  • 3 Cardamom Pods
  • A pinch of Saffron
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    Grind up the cardamom pods, and use only the inside brown parts (not the green casing) to ensure safety. Put that (along with the saffron) inside your container. Inject the water, then the rosewater. Use sparingly, and mask with other scents if you are worried about it smelling malodorous to your interest.

    Added to on Jan 31, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #267 - Gem to me dearly Beloved

    Amethyst, Critine, Blue Topaz, Emerald, Pearl,Garnet, Diamond, Aquamarine, Ruby, Sapphire, and Opal
    You may need:

  • A stone
  • belief
  • Imagination
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    You may need:

  • A stone
  • belief
  • Imagination
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    1. Pots of stone
    2. sad and alone
    3. Make me give one rock
    4. To the one I love and make them shocked
    5. Parts of the earth
    6. let me give you a verse
    7. So as we meet like a stone to a ring
    8. Allow my heart to sing.
    9. So mote it be.

    Added to on Jan 22, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #268 - Love Potion

    This spell is an amateur spell that could be used as a love potion. Give me feed back.
    You may need:

  • Rose petals
  • Bottle
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    You may need:

  • Rose petals
  • Bottle
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    Put Rose petals in a bottle like a soap or shampoo bottle even.

    Say- and Repeat twice

    Roses are red Violets are blue.

    Added to on Jan 18, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #269 - To Sweeten Someone Towards You

    This working is done to sweeten someone towards you. This will allow the person you are doing work on to be more kinder and nicer when it comes to being around you. So if you have a problematic boss, someone giving you a hard time, or perhaps a mean family member, than this work may be for you.
    You may need:

  • Pink or white candle
  • Syrup (Not butter flavored)
  • Sugar
  • Picture or name paper of the person you're are working on
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    You may need:

  • Pink or white candle
  • Syrup (Not butter flavored)
  • Sugar
  • Picture or name paper of the person you're are working on
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    1. Lightly anoint candle with syrup towards yourself in your direction,

    2. Roll candle in some sugar.

    3. Put picture or name paper underneath candle and then light it.

    4. Say the name of the person three times and then recite Pslam 53.

    5. Let candle burn down.

    Added to on Jan 15, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #270 - Extremely ticklish genitals (unisex)

    This spell is to make your genitals ticklish for the whole day. You can also invoke ticklishness by a short mini-spell given below (for masturbating or together by asking a tickle partner). This is an advanced and super strong spell. Instead Lord you can call upon the Goddess if you want...
    You may need:

  • × any 1 gel or cream (lube, soap, handcream, etc..)
  • × feather
  • × candle (any kind, preferably orange or red)
  • × soft hairy plushie or soft hairy medium big object
  • × glass of water or juice or anything you like
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    You may need:

  • × any 1 gel or cream (lube, soap, handcream, etc..)
  • × feather
  • × candle (any kind, preferably orange or red)
  • × soft hairy plushie or soft hairy medium big object
  • × glass of water or juice or anything you like
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    × Sit down naked, at dawn or the start of a new day (morning). Preferably early so it will last the whole day.

    × Warning! Choose a day when you want to feel intense, almost torturous but pleasurable ticklishness in your genitals for the whole day. Warning: very potent! ;)

    × Light the candle, meditate and gaze into it intentively/sensually, building up the energy in the sacral and root chakras area. Try to move this sensual energy around your softest, most sensitive genital parts.

    × Try to build up arousal, visualize tickle scenes you have seen online if that helps. Get very aroused.

    × Put the intent of becoming extremely ticklish in the genitals on the candle flame, the flame symbolizing sensual passion.

    × Say the following spell in an aroused tone / panting if whispering:

    Lord! I call upon You!

    All I have: a secret wish...

    Grant me it, oh, Father!

    And this gift I shall cherish...

    × Put cream on your fingers, and rub your genitals with it to create arousal.

    The wettest slug's wettest touch

    Bring to my privates! Oh!

    × Get the feather and tickle your genitals until you're very aroused*

    The softest feather's softest tickle,

    Bring onto my privates! Ah! Ahh!!

    × Now use a soft plush to rub your genitals. Imagine it is a sexual entity, like a spirit of tickle or whatever..

    The wildest beast's arousal,

    Bring on my genital! Hooh! Hah!

    × Now drink a glass of water with intent, saying:

    Fill me with the horniest chemicals,

    And make my genitals

    As horny, as aroused and as ticklish as they can get!


    × Tickle slightly with feather

    Giddy giddy giddy goo!

    All day, every day

    The slightest touch shall make my day!

    And make me scream! Ahh!

    And laugh! Ahahahahahaha!!!

    And squirm *move your hips rythmically* with pleasure!

    For my genitals are my ticklish-ticklish treasure!

    Lord! Make my coochie the most ticklish ever!

    Ticklish ticklish

    Ticklish pleasure on my pinkish.

    Ah! Hooh.. Ah! Hoooh... Ah! Ahh! Ahhh!!!...

    *aroused breathing 8 times*

    *tickle with feather again*

    Like ten thousand little worms

    Squirming on my genital softly, tickling me..

    And all I shall say for this:

    *** Giddy giddy goo! (Ooh! Oohh!)

    Giddy giddy goo! (Ooh! Oohh!)

    *tickle genital intensely with feather*

    Tickle, tickle, tickle...***

    Tickle it up, and tickle it down,

    In the dawn

    I say, ahhw!

    For all the day

    This torturous, ah ahahah

    Unsatisfyable pleasure, ah ahahah

    Ticklish ticklish ticklish... haha!

    Pleasureable, hellish tickles! Hahaha!

    Bless my coochie!

    Gichi! Gichi!

    Coochie coochie goo!

    Lord! My genitals, oh!

    Bless them with a ticklishness

    A thousand times more than hardcore!

    Gichi gichi goo!

    Giddlee giddle gee!

    So shall it be!

    *tickle it with feather one last time.

    * thank the Lord for this gift for today

    * blow out candle


    Throughout the day when you are tickling yourself,say the paragraph within the three stars - ***'s!

    This spell is for 1 day, however, it may work if you use the mini-spell within ***'s!

    Use to tickle your genitals by yourself or with a partner, with a partner have them recite the mini-spell with the ***'s!

    Enjoy together, lovelies! <3

    Added to on Jan 01, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters