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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Turn into dog
  2. Scorcer's Enchantment
  3. Annoying Neighbor Move Away
  4. Aura Bow
  5. Lust Potion
  6. Love Chant
  7. Induce Lust
  8. Simple Love Potion
  9. The Perfect Mate
  10. To Find Your True Love

#1851 - Turn into dog

You can turn in to an type of dog
You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    Goddess of nature make me a dog and bide my fortune forever

    side effects:
    scratch a lot

    Grow a lot of hair on body

    Hair turns color

    Skin turns pinkish
    (also allows y to befriend ad talk to ds.)

    Added to on Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited on Oct 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1852 - Scorcer's Enchantment

    The scorcers enchantment of peace and expirience.
    You may need:

  • 1 towel
  • 3 green candles
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    You may need:

  • 1 towel
  • 3 green candles
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    Light the candles. Sit on the towel then chant:

    ''The scorcer I be. Peace it should be.''

    Blow out the candles and carry the towel with you until sundown.

    Added to on Jun 15, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1853 - Annoying Neighbor Move Away

    4 Different spells to make someone move away. In all these spells will cause an annoying neighbor to move away from you
    You may need:

  • Parchment paper
  • Photo of the chosen one (If possible)
  • Vinegar
  • Small jar with a lid
  • Green candle
  • Ordinary dirt or graveyard dirt
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    You may need:

  • Parchment paper
  • Photo of the chosen one (If possible)
  • Vinegar
  • Small jar with a lid
  • Green candle
  • Ordinary dirt or graveyard dirt
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    Simple Move away Spell #1
    When the moon is in a Waning Phase, write on white parchment paper the full name of the person you want to move, along with birth date. Roll up the paper, with a photo if you have one, place inside a bottle of vinegar, then toss into a body of running water, visualize your enemy moving away as the bottle is washed away.

    Move away Spell #2
    Get a small jar or bottle with a lid. On a piece of paper draw a house with a big X thru it. Then write their name on it 9 times on the outside of the house in the picture. Fill the jar with 4 thieves vinegar, cap and cast into a moving body of water.

    You can also intensify this with splashing War Water on their outside door knobs and their porch. As you do this.... visualizing them packed up and moving.... driving away down the street away from their house.

    Go far away Spell #3
    Find a green candle, one large enough to burn 30 minutes a day for at least a week. Make up a short chant something like this:

    "Bothersome neighbors go away,
    find a much better place to stay.
    A place where you will be happy,
    I will be happy,
    and all around you will be happy.
    An affordable place, a nice place,
    A much better place to stay
    So long as it is far from me and mine.
    Bothersome neighbors go away."

    It'd be better to make up your own, especially if you can personalize it to the people in question. Just make it positive and upbeat. The idea here is that you are helping these folks find something better than they have now and helping yourself to peace and quiet at the same time.

    You'll also need paper and something 2 draw with.

    Each night light your candle (cast a circle first if you want one), imagining the flame as a spark in their mind which will lead them to a new home. Then sit down an stare into the flame for 5-10 minutes concentrating on your desire that they find a new, better place to live where they will be happy and annoy no one.

    Then take up your pen and paper and draw while chanting your chant. Stick figure art is okay if that is the best you can do. The first night draw your neighbor's (current) house with them doing the annoying types of things they do. Make it complete even if it's simple art. Put in the trees, windows, and the like. When you are done, wait for the end of the 30 minutes, concentrating on the candle flame and your goal. Fold the paper up and tear it to small shreds. Put out your candle (and close your circle if you created one. Save the torn scraps of paper.

    On each night for the rest of the week, repeat the ritual, but the art will change. On the second day, draw them excited and happy in front of their current house -- because they've found a better one. For the rest of the week, draw them carrying various stuff out of their current house (as if they were moving). The key thing here is only show there current house. You don't want to limit possibilities by drawing a new house for them.

    After you've done this a week, put all of the scraps of paper and some of the tail end of the candle in an envelope and bury it or hide it on the property line between their place and yours. If you've used large sheets of paper, you only need to include a portion from each if you need to keep the envelope small.

    Go far away Spell #4
    This spell needs to be done during a Waning Moon. The day and time does not matter. Gather all of your supplies. Pour the dirt into the bowl. Place the candle in the center of the dirt. (Use a candle holder if using a taper, a pillar candle will stand on its own. Light the candle and concentrate on the person you would like to move. Repeat the following incantation three times:

    "Sand from lands far away
    name will go and I will stay
    Both of us, happy will be
    With name far from me."

    Deliver a portion of the sand to the person for seven days in a row. You can use the mail but you'll have to deliver it yourself on Sunday. You don't have to hand it the person, just stick it in their mailbox or lay it against their door.

    Added to on Jun 15, 2013
    Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1854 - Aura Bow

    Make an aura bow energy construct.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Make a psi ball. Mold it into the shape of a bow. Make sure you know exactly what you want the bow to look like. Refine every detail and imagine it hardening into a solid energy construct. Assign it a motion or word you recite to summon the bow from the astral plane were it is in an otherwise Inaccessable pocket of spacetime.

    You need to make every arrow or arrows(group) individually unless It is a group. Make these like you would the bow and grant them different affects that can associate with where you drew your energy from

    Added to on Jun 13, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1855 - Lust Potion

    Potion to induce lust: Be careful, this stuff is really potent.
    You may need:

  • Patchouli oil
  • Sandalwood oil
  • Rose oil
  • Clove oil
  • Nutmeg oil
  • Olive oil
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    You may need:

  • Patchouli oil
  • Sandalwood oil
  • Rose oil
  • Clove oil
  • Nutmeg oil
  • Olive oil
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    Needed amounts of oil:

    • 6 drops of Patchouli oil
    • 6 drops of Sandalwood oil
    • 6 drops of Rose oil
    • 6 drops of Clove oil
    • 6 drops of Nutmeg oil
    • 6 drops of Olive oil

    Wear as a perfume whenever you'll be in the presence of the person you're trying to attract. And don't be surprised if you find others eyeing you as well. I would probably suggest substituting amber oil for the rose oil in order to attract a woman

    Added to on Jun 12, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1856 - Love Chant

    Chant for attracting love to yourself.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    "One to seek him/her,
    One to find him/her,
    One to bring him/her,
    One to bind him/her,
    Heart to heart,
    Forever one,
    So say I,
    this spell is done."

    Added to on Jun 12, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1857 - Induce Lust

    This spell can be used to induce lust.
    You may need:

  • Ginseng
  • Hibiscus
  • Cinnamon - ground or whole
  • Red candles
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    You may need:

  • Ginseng
  • Hibiscus
  • Cinnamon - ground or whole
  • Red candles
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    Make an infusion of the ginseng and hibiscus. If you're using whole cinnamon sticks, stick them in the tea. If it's ground, sprinkle it on. Surround yourself with the (lit) red candles, and drink the tea. If you find it too bitter tasting, you can also add the tea to a bath

    Added to on Jun 12, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1858 - Simple Love Potion

    This spell will attract a lover to you.
    You may need:

  • Small bowl
  • Perfume (any kind)
  • Small spoon
  • A piece of jewelry
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    You may need:

  • Small bowl
  • Perfume (any kind)
  • Small spoon
  • A piece of jewelry
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    Take the perfume and spray10x while saying: "Oh lover come to me I will do anything . Oh lover oh lover come to me!" Then put the piece of jewelry in the bowl. Then after 5 minuets take it out and wear it.

    Added to on Jun 12, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 06, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1859 - The Perfect Mate

    A simple spell to draw the perfect lover to you.
    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Pen or pencil(Pen should be red)
  • Paper
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Pen or pencil(Pen should be red)
  • Paper
  • Concentration
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    Light the white candle, to purify.
    Then on your piece of paper (Make sure it's small enough to burn and big enough to write on.)Write what you want your lovers qualities to be, Example: Brown hair, tall, green eyes, funny personality, sexy.
    After that, fold the piece of paper up so the writing is hidden.
    Then, Hold onto it and close your eyes, imagine sparks of light coming off the paper and flying in different directions to bring your lover to you.
    Once you've done that burn the piece of paper using the white candle (that should still be lit). When that's done go outside and scatter the ashes to the wind. Blow out the candle and the spell is done.
    Note: It will take time for the spell to work, don't panic if it doesn't work right away.

    Added to on Jun 12, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1860 - To Find Your True Love

    Help you find the one that is right for you.
    You may need:

  • Red Necklace (or just a silver locket)
  • A flower from a bleeding heart plant
  • 3 mint herbs
  • Your favorite shade of red or pink on anything (for example a maple tree leaf)
  • One jar (about like a medium jelly jar size)
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    You may need:

  • Red Necklace (or just a silver locket)
  • A flower from a bleeding heart plant
  • 3 mint herbs
  • Your favorite shade of red or pink on anything (for example a maple tree leaf)
  • One jar (about like a medium jelly jar size)
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    First take the empty (washed as well) jar and set it in an open space(clean spot on the floor or something) take the bleeding heart flower and put it in the jar gently. Then take the 3 mint leaves and rub them in your hands for 3 seconds and then drop them into the jar surrounding the bleeding hearts.

    Then take the locket and put in around the base of the jar on the outside of it. Once that is done take the maple leaf (whatever you picked for favorite shade) then say this once:

    "Oh, I pray to goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, please tell me who my love is so to me. I pray this and offer you this gift" (hold up the jar make sure nothing is out of place) "so mote it be that you help me".

    Once you're done saying that put your jar under a tree with leaves of red and then take it out after two hours and once you pick up the jar with the locket place the locket around your neck and in about 1 day you will feel the necklace kind of "tug" at your neck when your facing or looking at a boy/girl. When the necklace tugs at that boy/girl you will know that he/she is the one for you.

    Added to on Jun 11, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters