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1 Health Spells from Demonican

Covens Demonican  ► Demonican's Spellbooks  ► 1 Health Spells
1 Health Spells from Demonican

Included in this list of 1 Health Spells
  1. Hells Burning
#1 - #1

#1 - Hells Burning

This spell will burn the person that has hurt you, if you say and do it right.
You may need:

  • Red candles
  • Black candles
  • Blood
  • Dagger
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    You may need:

  • Red candles
  • Black candles
  • Blood
  • Dagger
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    Draw a pentagram and place the red and black candles around it. As you place each candle down, visualize what the person did/said to you that caused you pain. Stand in the middle of the circle. Prick your hand with the dagger, allowing a drop of blood to appear. Chant the name of the person you intend to curse as you write their name in your blood.

    Now say, "Your pain is burning. Your death is slow. Feel your body now burn like it is in Hell, as that is where your soul will go".

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    Last edited on Jan 10, 2016
    Part of the Demonican Library.

    1 Health Spells from Demonican
    #1 - #1