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1 Wealth Spells from Acquaintance with Darkness

1 Wealth Spells from Acquaintance with Darkness

Included in this list of 1 Wealth Spells
  1. Job seeking
#1 - #1

#1 - Job seeking

If you are looking for a job or wish to improve your career path, this spell can be done to help open your opportunities for advancement or finding the right job for you.
You may need:

  • Large rock or stone-size of your hand (can be of any color, its weight represents the binding of your spell)
  • Twine, thick string or para-cord
  • Business card, job advertisement or written job title/description
  • Cinnamon
  • Candle (green if you have one)
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    You may need:

  • Large rock or stone-size of your hand (can be of any color, its weight represents the binding of your spell)
  • Twine, thick string or para-cord
  • Business card, job advertisement or written job title/description
  • Cinnamon
  • Candle (green if you have one)
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    In order to increase your chances and push opportunities towards you, you must be actively seeking. Things will not just fall into your lap, especially in the job market. Networking and actively looking for jobs or promotional opportunities is needed.

    I like to use the mood phases but this isn't necessary if you don't want to. Casting during a new moon will allow the spell to grow as the moon grows.

    Time of day isn't important but when you cast you should be fully concentrated with no distractions.

    Light your candle. If it is green this represents money, if you don't have a colored candle that is fine. The Cinnamon is also connected to wealth, so that will be sufficient.

    Take the business card of the company or place you want to work, or if there is an advertisement (newspaper) or if nothing, write out on a slip of paper the job you are seeking. Fold it up and then bind it to the rock with the string/twine.

    Place the rock in front of the candle and state or think you intentions. This does not have to be spoken. It needs to come from you and your own thoughts. What are you seeking? Why are you seeking it? How will you repay? (giving back somehow-you will indicate how you wish to repay the influence)

    -Giving back is a means of paying it forward. So, you can state you will donate/volunteer, or will made a conscious effort to change a negative thing you do into a positive thing. It can be as simple as putting your change in a donation bin. It is always good to give back to the world even in the smallest way it makes the world better.

    Sprinkle the cinnamon over the candle (it will spark up) and over the rock and meditate a moment. Blow out the candle when you are finished. Place the rock someplace safe. If you have a job and are looking for a promotion you can keep it in your desk or drawer at work. Put it in a small satchel. If you keep it at home, put it someplace near where you usually do your job searching.

    Added to on Jul 09, 2019
    Part of the Acquaintance with Darkness Library.

    1 Wealth Spells from Acquaintance with Darkness
    #1 - #1