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9 Spiritual Spells from Black Cross

Covens Black Cross  ► Black Cross's Spellbooks  ► 9 Spiritual Spells
9 Spiritual Spells from Black Cross

Included in this list of 9 Spiritual Spells
  1. Spirit Wolf Prayer
  2. Anti-Nightmare Sash
  3. Circle Casting Chant
  4. Take away Anger and Pain
  5. Dark Curse
  6. Summon an Energy Shield
  7. Stone Power Boost
  8. Sacred Space Purification
  9. dark Spirit Magnet
#1 - #9

#1 - Spirit Wolf Prayer

Just a simple prayer to the wolf.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Simply say:

    ''Great wolf,guide me in all I do and protect me from my enemies,forever may you walk beside me and grant me protection in your shadow,I thank you great wolf''

    Added to on Dec 01, 2015
    Part of the Black Cross Library.

    #2 - Anti-Nightmare Sash

    A simple sash to stop nightmares.
    You may need:

  • Salt - preferably sea salt however regular salt may be used
  • Mustard seeds
  • Any other dry protective herbs you wish to use such as sage, holy basil, etc
  • Something to put them in - one of those plastic money packets works fine
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    You may need:

  • Salt - preferably sea salt however regular salt may be used
  • Mustard seeds
  • Any other dry protective herbs you wish to use such as sage, holy basil, etc
  • Something to put them in - one of those plastic money packets works fine
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    Simply add all ingredients into the plastic money packet, mix them as you wish and seal them, then whenever you go to bed place it under your pillows and the nightmares should stop.

    Added to on Nov 27, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
    Part of the Black Cross Library.

    #3 - Circle Casting Chant

    Just a basic chant to say when casting a circle.
    You may need:

  • Any items to represent the four elements and spirit
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    You may need:

  • Any items to represent the four elements and spirit
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    Place the item for earth in the north,for fire in the south,for air in the east and for water in the west,keep the item for spirit with you in the circle

    Say 3 times: "North is Earth,element of Birth,South is Fire,burns like desire,Air element of peace,in the east,water in the west,flowing its best,spirit guide me in this spell,bind the elements into one,the circle is done,it is now cast,so mote it be,may the divine energy protect me"

    Some items which can be used:

    • Water: Blue candle, Glass of water, crystals which represent water, picture of ocean.
    • Earth: Green candle, pot of soil, herbs (ones that represent earth are recomended), crystals which represnt earth, rocks
    • Fire: Red candle, match stick, crystals which represent fire, picture of a flame
    • Air: Yellow candle, feathers, crystals which represent air, wand
    • Spirit: Purple or White candle, crystals to represent spirit, pentacle

    Added to on Apr 05, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
    Part of the Black Cross Library.

    #4 - Take away Anger and Pain

    This is to release anger & pain. Beginners seem to have good luck with it. For a chant use the same candle colors, repeated at least 3 days preferably 5 days in a row at first, then when ever needed. If using as a spell, it will work better if repeated 3-5 days in a row. It can also be combined.
    You may need:

  • Small piece of paper
  • Pen
  • Dish to put burning paper in
  • If you want to use elemental candles feel free to surround yourself with them.
  • Candle color:
  • ( black
  • ( or more white
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    You may need:

  • Small piece of paper
  • Pen
  • Dish to put burning paper in
  • If you want to use elemental candles feel free to surround yourself with them.
  • Candle color:
  • ( black
  • ( or more white
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    Write on the paper:
    Take my anger take my pain, wash away like a gentle rain.
    Put my anger into flight, let it go- stay out of sight.
    Angers gone so to my pain, born again by this witches flame.

    At the bottom of the paper in a circle shape write the runes of your choice or a pentagram. Feel it all draining out of you and going into the flame as your doing this spell.

    Added to on Apr 24, 2014
    Part of the Black Cross Library.

    #5 - Dark Curse

    To curse someone who has tried to torment you.
    You may need:

  • One Effigy to represent your enemy (preferably a wax figure or doll).
  • A knife of some sort to stab effigy with.
  • Bowl of black water(water & black food-color).
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    You may need:

  • One Effigy to represent your enemy (preferably a wax figure or doll).
  • A knife of some sort to stab effigy with.
  • Bowl of black water(water & black food-color).
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    First prepare to cast your spell by what ever it is you do before casting a spell: Meditating, clearing intent, raising energy, etc. Also have your stabbing utensil/s, effigy and black water at an arm's reach.

    Place the effigy in-front of you while thinking of how the person you're about to curse has made you feel.

    Then, say the following with meaning, feeling, and purpose:

    Darkness falls unto thee,
    strikes you down and cripples thee.
    All the pain that you have caused,
    rains on thee like holocaust.
    Darkest hour on you befalls,
    pain and suffering in you crawls.

    Now, take the instrument you have chosen and dip its pointed end into the water and say:

    Poison water,vile, unclean,
    more than the blood of my enemy,
    here you serve well under me,
    taint this knife effectively.

    After, take the knife and repeatedly stab the effigy while shouting:

    I curse you for __(list reason)__ !
    I curse you for __(list other reason)__!
    I curse you for __ (list another reason)__!

    Continue till you're so exhausted you can barely go on then stop.

    Finally, say the following:

    Your days of torment are all long gone,
    and now your presence has withdrawn.

    the curse was cast, the curse was set
    I now know peace once again.
    Darkness I thank you for this gain.
    and so it is...

    Now just clean up and maybe take a shower to cleanse yourself. Don't worry about it and go about your day.

    Added to on Oct 10, 2013
    Part of the Black Cross Library.

    #6 - Summon an Energy Shield

    It's easy to summon a shield made of pure energy.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Sit down in a chair and imagine that you are pushing your inner energy out, push it as far as you can without breaking the connection with the rest of your energy. Now imagine that you can see this, imagine the color, the warmth, everything you possibly can. Keep adding energy to it by pushing more energy out, feel the energy around you solidify and imagine that nothing can harm you.

    Added to on Feb 23, 2013
    Last edited on Feb 27, 2017
    Part of the Black Cross Library.

    #7 - Stone Power Boost

    A spell to boost your stones effect.
    You may need:

  • Stone
  • Spring water
  • Bowl
  • Black cloth
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    You may need:

  • Stone
  • Spring water
  • Bowl
  • Black cloth
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    Place the stones in the bowl of spring water. Set it outside so the moon can reflect off the water at night. Chant: "Here on the day of Mars, in the hour of the sun, I call down the moon to charge and energize these stones".

    Raise your hands to the sky and say: "Power of Luna, power of Sol. Power of Aries. For your powers, I call". When you feel energy has reached its peak, draw down your hands and pour them into the bowl as you say: "Empowered, let them be".

    Now cover the bowl with a black cloth and take it inside. Carefully drain the water, then wrap the stones int he cloth and put them away till they are needed.

    Added to on Apr 29, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
    Part of the Black Cross Library.

    #8 - Sacred Space Purification

    A spell to purge negativity and bad elements.
    You may need:

  • Small cook pot of aromatherapy bowl
  • Blessed water
  • 1 star anise
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tsp sage
  • Burner or tealight heat source
  • Frankincense
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    You may need:

  • Small cook pot of aromatherapy bowl
  • Blessed water
  • 1 star anise
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tsp sage
  • Burner or tealight heat source
  • Frankincense
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    Consecrate the bowl or pot by passing it through the smoke of frankincense and sprinkling blessed water on it. Say: "I consecrate this vessle to aid in my craft. The spell I now weave will take hold at last!"

    Heat the spring water in the bowl or pot over the burner until the water is boiling hot. Add the star anise as you say "Let all negativity be deflected from this place". Now add the bay leaf as you say "As the scent of this leaf moves around this place, may it become a purified sacred space". Add the sage as you say " Through sage, I now make this spell manifest. That with peace and protection, this space is blessed".

    Added to on Apr 29, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
    Part of the Black Cross Library.

    #9 - dark Spirit Magnet

    a simple yet effective spell for drawing in the darker spirits around you
    You may need:

  • 3 log black candles
  • 1 three candle candelabra
  • 1 black obsidian obelisk
  • 2 bone fragments
  • 1 alter
  • 1 black alter cloth
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    You may need:

  • 3 log black candles
  • 1 three candle candelabra
  • 1 black obsidian obelisk
  • 2 bone fragments
  • 1 alter
  • 1 black alter cloth
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    The Layout:

    to start off with the candles and candelabra are to be placed on the already covered alter slightly back from the middle.

    next the bone shards are layed out either side of the black obsidian obelisk to act as the vessels the souls will be called too

    The Calling of Souls:

    Hear me now my god and godess lords and ladys of the realms of the dead i your servent seek a audience with your fallen subjects so hear my voice as i call you back.

    You who have returned to the source i seek you now and i offer these fragments of life to you as a gift for your words and strengths

    I call for hagenti, ipos and ose lend me your power and the great planetary spirit Azarel to allow my meeting with the fallen

    as i your humble servent offer this calling and these vessels and my humble servitude for my time and others to come

    Added to on Apr 29, 2012
    Part of the Black Cross Library.

    9 Spiritual Spells from Black Cross
    #1 - #9