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Forums -> Fortune Telling -> Re: Week Ahead Spread.
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Original Post:
by: User590155 on Mar 10, 2021


I was thinking perhaps a tarot practice thread would be a nice addition here. I've seen this type of thread work for practice in other divinatory sub-forums.

This thread is specifically for a 3 card pull for the week. The first card refers to the start of the week, the middle card for mid-week, and the final card refers to the end of the week.

The idea of the thread is for members whom work with tarot or oracle to practice, and interpret their readings openly. Other members can offer insight, practice, and those newer to tarot can gain a greater perpective on how readings are done, and interpreted by different people whom work with tarot.

So this weeks spread for me:

I used Gypsy Witch fortune telling playing cards.

1st Card- The moon.

2nd Card- Scythe.

3rd Card- The rider.

The feeling of this reading to me speaks of mystery and calling. The moon feels mysterious, and the rider calls to me. I relate this spread to my current interest of study as this is most present on my mind this week. I intend to begin learning an entirely new form of magical practice. I am excited and hope the reading speaks of this endeavor.

I welcome others here to participate in this practice thread as well if you'd like.