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Original Post:
by: User72172 on Aug 01, 2009


Scrying is the name given to the ancient technique of gazing into an
object such as a crystal ball (or skull) for the purposes of divination.
Although some people can achieve visions from gazing into flames or even
a shallow bowl of water or black ink, the clear quartz crystal ball is
the most common method.

Anyone can learn to scry. It is all a matter of practice. If you
meditate it will be much easier. If you you ask a question - and place
lots of energy in the answer - it will manifest faster for you.

The amount of time you use for scrying can vary from a few minutes to
half hour. You usually scry alone but more than one person can scry into
the same surface at the same time for information. Though some people go
through rituals before they scry - it isn't necessary. If you wish to
ask your spirit guides for guidance go ahead. Some people say a little
prayer and ask for the correct information to appear.
If you are using an object - crystal - mirror - just be sure it is

Scrying can be done with a number of different surfaces which include:
. Water in a dark bowl - or small pool
. Mirrors
. Crystals - Crystal Ball Gazing
. Tea Leaves - Coffee grinds embers in a fire at night
. A dimly lit / or candle lit room - looking into the eyes of another
person who sits across from you

During scrying - one gazes steadily into the scrying surface (feel free
to blink or allow your point of focus to wander a bit; this is not a
method of self-inflicted torture). Eventually, you should be able to
pick out shapes or images in the scrying surface; these may appear as
crude sketches, or occasionally with the clarity of a photograph. You
will actually see these images with your eyes.
Once this happens, images may begin to form in your mind, no longer
projected onto the scrying surface. When this happens, allow your
attention to focus on these mental images. From this point forward, the
scrying surface is irrelevant; do not be distracted by it.
As the images become clearer, you will find that you know things about
what you are seeing ? background information will come to the surface of
your mind. Pay attention to what you know about the images you are

Surfaces which provide a random, high contrast visual texture, such as
black tea leaves in a white cup or orange sparks in a black ember, are
particularly good for the first stage of the scrying process. However,
the vividness of the visual images formed in this way may tend to pull
your attention back from the purely mental images that should follow,
thus disrupting the natural flow of ideas. Smooth, neutral surfaces,
like the surface of a dish of black water, a crystal ball, or a black
mirror, provide relatively few visual cues to get you started, but if
you can make the transition to mental imagery quickly, the visual
surface will obligingly fade into the background.

Mirror Scrying

This can be done with a steamed up mirror which will form shapes.

You can also look at a mirrors through different angles.
Stand in a dark room. Place a flashlight a few inches below your face
and stare into the mirror for a few minutes. You will see yourself in
past lives. The images will also change after another few minutes. Watch
the shape of your face change. You may grow facial hair. If you look to
the side you will see spirit. This can also be done in candlelight -
just be careful.

Scrying With Water

Water represents the collective unconscious - the continuum - the flow
of all things in the universe back to one source.
When scrying in a bowl of water - the bowl must be black or painted
You can add black India ink to the water to turn it black of you prefer.

Place the bowl on a table in front of you.
Feel relaxed - reduce noise level and bright lights. You may want to use
soft music in the background.
Close your eyes and breath take two long slow breaths - breathing in
through your nose - hold the breath for several seconds - then release
it slowly through the mouth. Feel your mind and body relaxed and read to
see with more than the normal sense.
Now open your eyes and gaze down into the bowl at the dark water.

You may ask a question in your head first, and wait for an answer. You
may also just gaze into the bowl and and watch for random images. They
will appear - perhaps as shadows at first - but they will be there. You
may see images that are larger - which means they will occur sooner.
Smaller images in the background will take longer to manifest - if you
are seeking personal information.
If you are working alongside another person - you may both see different
things - your reality does vary with each of us.
You will be shown what you need to see - and hear what you need to hear
(in your thoughts) that day.

One other method of scrying in water is to place a dish of water in a
darkened room, lit from the sides by two candles. The dish in this case
should be a solid, neutral color.

Scrying With Crystals

If you are using a crystal select one that calls to you. Most people
prefer a crystal ball or crystal skull.
The crystal must be clear quartz - a larger crystal is best.
The crystal will seem appealing to your eye. It does not have to be your
'personal crystal'.
The crystal can be clear or have inclusions in it. Many have rainbows.
Some develop cloudy areas when you scry with them.
It is best to find a quiet place to scry, so that you can hear your
thoughts without distractions and concentrate on the objects you see.
Make yourself comfortable.

Adjust your surroundings as you would for a meditation: lighting, noise
level, temperature, clothing, glasses, shoes
Place the object:
. On a black cloth
. In good light - daylight - on a stand with a light beneath it - use a
flashlight - near candle light - not too close
. Between your hands / fingers
. Hold the object in one hand

You can prepare a tape recorder to record any messages you get from your
scrying session. You can scry alone or with another person to talk to.
As you prepare to scry, be sure that your vantage point for viewing the
object is at good eye level. Remember that you will turn the object many
times to see different things within it.

Crystal are life forms and have a lot to say and share, they are
communication devices. They send and receive signals. You just have to
learn to 'tune in' to their channel - listen with your thoughts and look
a the images that appear on the screen behind your eyes.
Older crystals will have more messages as they have experienced more
frequencies in their time on the Earth plane and stored more
information. Many crystals are record keepers, especially those from
ancient civilizations, such as Atlantis.
Crystal skulls, made from very old crystals, are example of ancient
crystals. They seem to have an endless amount of messages to give.

Most crystals have flat areas through which one can look. These areas
are called windows or doors. Some people need time to adjust their
frequency to that of the crystal so they can read into it. More
experienced readers, such as myself, can pick up any crystal almost
instinctively and feel the energies as if it is talking to me. They can
heal you while you are working with them though you don't realize it as
first. They simple balance the energies in your physical and other

You can place your crystal over a light of some kind to get a better
look at the inside. Crystal stores often have stands with light in them
that you rest your crystal on. The light them penetrates through the
crystal. I prefer holding crystals up to sunlight! It gives the best
As crystals change, depending on their surroundings, they do develop
different patterns within them from the energies they receive.
When you are ready, have as much light as you can running through the

Place one or both hands - on either side of it.
Look deeply into the crystal.
Allow your eyes to focus on the images within the crystal.
Examine all of the shapes until you find one that calls to you.
Listen to your thoughts - as the crystal begins to connect its frequency
with yours.
Turn the crystal in various directions to see different images and get
different messages.
You will intuitively know what's best.
Sometimes the images in the crystal may appear to move as you gaze at
You may want to close the light - then close your eyes - if they works
better for you.
As with all psychic skills, this could take many attempts to master. If
the crystal is not in your frequency you may not receive any messages
from it.
Try another crystal.

Interpreting the Images (symbols)

The interpretations are generally subjective. Two different people can
look at the same image in a crystal and receive two different messages.
The images can be about yourself or about another event that occurred
near the crystal or object at any point in time. Crystals have messages
of their own. If you are gazing at an inanimate object and see images,
they may be reflections of your own soul (past lives, future events,
parallel lives, messages from the spirits around you, images from your
subconscious mind). Images are symbols. You can get interpretations for
them from dream books, or other books with symbols.

Egyptian Dream Scrying

In ancient Egypt priests and priestesses used scrying as part of their
initiation ceremonies. Water or oil was placed in a darkened vessel.
The Initiate would enter an altered state then gaze into the vessel.
Images would appear with messages about the work and destiny of the
Initiate. Egyptian dream scrying can also be traced back thousands of
years. The method used by the Egyptians was recorded in the Greek
magical papyri which were written between 200 B.C. to 500 A.D.

In preparing to use the Egyptian dream scrying method you must not speak
to anyone on the evening you plan to scry. You should remain in silence
after the setting of the sun. Do not consume alcohol on that day or
engage in sex. You must refrain from consuming food for up to four hours
before the scrying. After having a warm bath you anoint your temples
with olive oil. You will need an oil lamp which must not be colored red
or bear any inscription.

Write on a short narrow strip of white linen with ink mixed with myrrh
the name of the dream God and the purpose for the dream scrying. Twist
the linen strip into a wick and insert into the oil of the lamp. Place
the lamp on a table beside your bed. Using the ink draw the image of the
dream God upon your left palm. You must decide which God or Goddess you
wish to use. Thoth was well used with the Egyptians.

Light your lamp.
Kneel before the lamp.

Concentrating on the image on your left hand recite the following
invocation : "Thoth I invoke, blessed power of dreams divine, Angel of
future fates, swift wings are thine, Great source of oracles to human
kind, When stealing soft, and whispering to the mind, Through sleep's
sweet silence and the gloom of night, Thy power awake the sight, To
silent souls the will of heaven relates, And silently reveals their
future fates."

You need to concentrate on your question you wish to know the answer to.
Around your left hand wrap a piece of black linen about four inches wide
and about thirty inches long. The black cloth is called 'black cloth of
Isis'. Blow out the flame of the lamp. Now go to bed, clear your mind
and go to sleep.

Have a tape recorder beside your bed so that when you awaken you may
record your dreams while still fresh in your mind.
You will find that the dream will come to you in a voice that is clear
and powerful rather than in dream images.
Sometimes the message is sent in cryptic form so take your time in
working out the answer.