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Forums -> Spiritual Creatures -> Re: Experiencing Evocation
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Original Post:
by: User536735 on Sep 11, 2018


This writing is to help others in their evocations. I describe the perceptional shifts that I go through during an evocation. I describe what I hear, feel, say, and see in order to help you in developing your senses.

Lesson 1 : conjuring vision.
In ritual, when I'm scrying, two things will happen :
1. If scrying into a sigil (symbol of spirit), the sigil will seem to flash as the corners of my eyes (vision) goes black, I begin to feel "off-balanced" and it literally feels as if I'm spinning uncontrollably. While in that "spin" I've noticed it's best to let it happen and embrace it, on the other side lies the vision as well as unlocking hearing.
2. When scrying into air in front of me, either up at sky/horizon or into ground/trees/rocks/water, I've noticed my vision seems to darken. Not going completely black but starts off as a light grey color, as I hold the vision the grey deepens and darkens, almost as dark as rain clouds does my vision turn, amongst the deep grey little particles of light(sprites) start to form. Flying around like a thousand little flies. When held long enough, in some rituals I will feel the "off-balance" sometimes when scrying right out in front of me I won't feel the "off-balance." Either way, when scrying vision is held, more often than not, as you say the entities name, your vision will begin to do a peculiar thing, your vision will start to give life to the entity that you are calling.

Lesson 2 : Learning to listen.
 During an evocation, before the voice of the spirit can be heard, usually what I'll experience is a "tingling" or pressure type force on my ears, usually hovering just above my ear lobes(sometimes felt on the back of the ears) when at this stage of the evocation you are very close to achieving two-way communication through activating your hearing abilities.
My best advice for those wanting to develop their ability to hear spirits, thus being able to communicate with and make pacts with, is to listen while evoking, what I mean by that is during an evocation listen to noise going on in your area. If outside listen to the wind blowing, bugs or animals making noise, twigs breaking, try and feel the sun on your face, the wind as it blows upon you, pay attention for the voice of the spirits can be heard in the winds, and in the trees.

Lesson 3 : Dealing with Emotions & thoughts.

During these magical operations, it is important to realize that you are calling a foreign energy into your body, so it is only natural that your thoughts as well as emotions may change drastically. Realize that these forces aren't to be played with, only respected while utilizing. These Entities are very real and will influence your everyday life, often appearing and speaking with you at the most unexpected moments. Tread carefully, for when you make contact with a spirit, the gateway is opened and that entity will not only be around you, but within you.