With this broom, I sweep this space. May the Circle be strengthened and safe, and may all negativity and darkness be banished from here. (X3)
Cast the Circle:
Circle of White I cast, Gentle, fair Maiden, with love and light.
Circle of Red I cast, nurturing loving Mother, with love and light.
Circle of Black I cast, Wise and noble Crone, with love and light.
Calling the Quarters:
Facing East - Ring bell 3 times or clap 3 times
Elemental Air at the East, swift and light, we/I bid you hail and welcome. guard and witness this Rite with love.
(Light East candle and incense corner)
Facing South - Ring bell 3 times or clap 3 times
Elemental Fire at the South, bright and energetic, we/I bid you hail and welcome. guard and witness this Rite with love.
(Light South candle and incense corner)
Facing West - Ring bell 3 times or clap 3 times
Elemental Water at the West, pure and cleansing, we/I bid you hail and welcome. guard and witness this Rite with love.
(Light West candle and incense corner)
Facing North - Ring bell 3 times or clap 3 times
Elemental Earth at the North, stable and solid, we/I bid you hail and welcome. guard and witness this Rite with love.
(Light South candle and incense corner)
Dismissing the quarters:
Facing North - Ring bell 3 times or clap 3 times
Elemental Earth at the North, stable and solid, I/we thank you for attending and witnessing this Rite, We/I bid you hail and farewell.
(Extinguish North candle)
Facing West - Ring bell 3 times or clap 3 times
Elemental Water at the West, pure and cleansing, I/we thank you for attending and witnessing this Rite, We/I bid you hail and farewell.
(Extinguish West candle)
Facing South - Ring bell 3 times or clap 3 times
Elemental Fire at the South, bright and energetic, I/we thank you for attending and witnessing this Rite, We/I bid you hail and farewell.
(Extinguish South candle)
Facing East - Ring bell 3 times or clap 3 times
Elemental Air at the East, swift and light, I/we thank you for attending and witnessing this Rite, We/I bid you hail and farewell.
(Extinguish East candle)
Opening the circle:
The Circle, although open, is unbroken. May the Lord and Lady remain in our hearts, and Merry we meet, Merry we part and Merry we meet again!